

Learning Angular (not AngularJS)

Just one of the things I'm learning. https://github.com/hchiam/learning and https://github.com/hchiam/learning-frameworks

Angular comes with a CLI and comes with TypeScript.


Minimal setup from scratch

<details> <summary>Click to expand/collapse:</summary>

Using Angular CLI:

npm install -g @angular/cli
# to start a new project "my-app" from scratch:
ng new my-app
cd my-app
ng serve

Or triple-click to select this one-liner:

npm install -g @angular/cli && ng new my-app && cd my-app && ng serve




<details> <summary>Click to expand/collapse:</summary>

Tutorial I'll be following: https://angular.io/start


cd angular-fhxvfx
# yarn build
yarn start # runs ng serve


  1. Structural directive examples: *ngFor="let product of products" and *ngIf="product.description"

  2. Property binding example: [title]="product.name + ' details'"

  3. Custom property binding example: [product]="product"

  4. Event binding example: (click)="share()"

  5. Custom event binding example: (notify)="onNotify()"

    • this can be combined with the child component's @Output() notify = new EventEmitter(); (TS) and (click)="notify.emit()" (HTML), and then this will trigger the child component's (notify)="onNotify()" (HTML) that is written inside the parent component's markup (HTML) to trigger the parent's onNotify().

To start understanding the files more, start here: /src/app/product-list --> the TS file links to the HTML and CSS files with:

// this is a decorator:
  selector: "app-product-list", // <app-product-list> tag in DOM
  templateUrl: "./product-list.component.html",
  styleUrls: ["./product-list.component.css"],
// (this decorator indicates that the class in the later lines is a component)
export class ProductAlertsComponent implements OnInit {
  // the @Input() decorator indicates that the [product] prop data is passed in from the component's parent
  @Input() product;

  // the @Output() decorator combined with EventEmitter
  // lets us trigger an event with the [notify] prop changes,
  // and you can do (click)="notify.emit()" in the child HTML,
  // and (notify)="onNotify()" in the parent HTMl will run
  @Output() notify = new EventEmitter();

  constructor() {}

  ngOnInit() {}

If you change the selector to ".app-product-list" then it'll be <div class="app-product-list"> in the DOM.

You can generate a component with ng generate component component-name or with ng g component component-name (https://angular.io/cli/generate#component). It'll create a folder with 4 files in it (.css, .html, .spec.ts, and .ts).

I didn't have to explicitly import TS or HTML files. It just figured it out by the consistent naming! I tried sibling folders under /app and also tried moving the child component's folder inside its parent component's folder, and it also worked! Just use ng g component component-name!



<details> <summary>Click to expand/collapse:</summary>


For example, associating a URL path with a component.

I needed some help getting my local my-app to work: https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2018/11/a-complete-guide-to-routing-in-angular/

cd my-app
npm i
ng serve
# http://localhost:4200
cd my-app
ng g component
<div *ngFor="let product of products">
  <a [title]="'Product name'" [routerLink]="['/products', product.id]"
    >{{ product.name }}</a
<p>{{ product.description }}</p>
<a [title]="'Back to main'" [routerLink]="['/']">Back to main</a>
import { RouterModule } from "@angular/router";

import { ProductDetailsComponent } from "./product-details/product-details.component";
import { ProductListComponent } from "./product-list/product-list.component";

// ...

  declarations: [AppComponent, ProductDetailsComponent, ProductListComponent],
  imports: [
      { path: "", component: ProductListComponent },
      { path: "products/:productId", component: ProductDetailsComponent },
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent, ProductListComponent, ProductDetailsComponent],
export class AppModule {}
import { Component, OnInit } from "@angular/core";

  selector: "app-product-list",
  templateUrl: "./product-list.component.html",
  styleUrls: ["./product-list.component.css"],
export class ProductListComponent implements OnInit {
  products: any[];

  constructor() {
    this.products = [
        id: "someID",
        name: "Some product name",
        description: "Some product description.",
        id: "anotherID",
        name: "Another product name",
        description: "Another product description.",
        id: "otherID",
        name: "Other product name",
        description: "Other product description.",

  ngOnInit(): void {}

Deployment/building/hosting, using Firebase, etc.


Older notes

Following a YouTube tutorial for Angular 8: https://github.com/hchiam/learning-angular8

More notes
