

My first heroku app!

Used a Udacity course.

The steps:

  1. (heroku account)
  2. (heroku toolbelt)
  3. heroku login
  4. (git)
  5. (fork)
  6. (clone)
  7. cd galeria
  8. git status
  9. heroku create
  10. git remote -v
  11. git push heroku master
  12. heroku open
  13. (I changed my app’s URL/name to "my-galeria" at https://dashboard.heroku.com/)
  14. git remote rm heroku
  15. heroku git:remote -a my-galeria
  16. heroku open (should take you to https://my-galeria.herokuapp.com/)

Staging = mock test; Deploying = final production push


Local computer vs remote server

local computer:


remote server:

heroku run <command>

Setting up a database for the app:

  1. git checkout -b pg origin/pg (to create branch "pg" = PostgreSQL database for Ruby as required by Heroku)
    • or git checkout origin/pg
  2. (postgresql: http://postgresapp.com/ or http://www.postgresql.org/download/windows/ or http://www.postgresql.org/download/linux/ubuntu/)
  3. bundle install (to check the ActiveRecord gem that translates ruby to sql is stable locally)
  4. ruby app.rb
  5. (visit localhost:4567 to see a Sinatra error)
  6. (shut down server)
  7. rake db:migrate (to create database table)
  8. ruby app.rb
  9. (localhost:4567)
  10. git branch (check on pg branch)
  11. git push heroku HEAD:master
  12. heroku open (should get internal server error)
  13. heroku run rake db:migrate (should get error cannot find database connection b/c no postgresql addon included in heroku)
  14. heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql (to include the postgresql addon)
  15. heroku run heroku run rake db:migrate (to try database migrations again in the heroku server)
  16. (refresh page)