

Ok Google, Talk to Code Tutor version

2023 news: Conversational Actions are scheduled to sunset in 2023.


Try it now: <a href="https://assistant.google.com/services/invoke/uid/000000668d1fb538">🅖 Ask Code Tutor to teach me</a>

Code Tutor is listed in the Google Assistant web directory.

<img alt="Code Tutor listed on the Google Assistant web directory" src="code-tutor-directory-screenshot.png" height="250">

Long-term goal: Let's help people who can't use their hands to learn to code by talking to the Google Assistant.

For now: Conversationally teach simple coding concepts. Code hands-free.

Made possible thanks to support from family and friends.

Built using lessons learned from my mental-temp-converter backend and a Zeitspace workshop I attended. (EDIT: Now updated to use API V2.)

Privacy policy: https://goo.gl/PMwsDW

Use the Google Assistant on Your Phone:

<img alt="Code Tutor on mobile" src="code-tutor-mobile-screenshot.png" height="250">

This app works great on a device with a screen. You can get the Google Assistant on your device:


I'm open-sourcing my code to help others learn faster (just please change the author in package.json before you publish). It also enables you to help me improve the app faster by contributing on GitHub.

Hidden Features:

Hint: try a number over 9000 :)

Want to Create Your Own Google Assistant App?

Check out these AoG codelabs: https://developers.google.com/actions/codelabs/


https://github.com/hchiam/code-tutor-sandbox-test and https://code-tutor-sandbox-test.glitch.me/

Previous Work:

Newer Experiments:

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