

Code Inspiration

version Build Status License: MIT Cypress.io

Capture snippets of code inspiration while on the go. It works offline too! (After your first visit.)


Older demos

https://code-inspiration-svelte.surge.sh (built with Svelte and its Sapper framework)

and https://code-inspiration-react.surge.sh (built with React and create-react-app)

You can run PageSpeed tests: for the Svelte version and for the React version

Run locally (note: commands use yarn instead of npm)

Just once:

git clone https://github.com/hchiam/code-inspiration.git
cd code-inspiration

and then:

yarn dev


yarn test

Dependency graph

bash show_dep_graph.sh.

Old: (React version)

(Dependency graph.)

New: (Svelte version)

(Dependency graph.)

Build production version (you can run it locally too)

yarn build

Export in prep for static site hosting

npx sapper export

Or just publish to static site hosting in one step

yarn surge

⬆️ That will run npx sapper export; surge __sapper__/export https://code-inspiration.surge.sh; open https://code-inspiration.surge.sh