

Peachy Types

Declarations for peachy, a parser/renderer for Aseprite animations in LÖVE.

Declarations can be used with TypeScriptToLua.

yarn add josh-perry/peachy
# import the peachy module

yarn add -D peachy-types
# import typings for peachy (dev only)

Add this to your conf.ts to help Lua find the peachy module.

package.path += ";node_modules/peachy/?.lua";

This should resolve to peachy and all its dependencies.

/// <reference no-default-lib="true" />
/// <reference lib="esnext" />
/// <reference types="love-typescript-definitions" />
/// <reference types="peachy-types" />
/// Can be put in tsconfig.json settings.

import * as peachy from "peachy";

const a = peachy.new("animation.json");
a.draw(0, 0);