

Haxe Vector Math

Requires haxe 4.2+

Haxe vector math library that enables GLSL vector and matrix operations to compile in haxe


GLSL Built-in Functions

All GLSL built-in functions are available after import VectorMath;

import VectorMath;

var direction = normalize(velocity);
var speed = length(velocity);

Vector and Matrix Constructors

Vectors and matrices can be constructed with the same patterns as GLSL

// new keyword not required
vec2(1, 2);

// single argument sets all components

// vector composition
var color = vec3(0, 1, 0);
vec4(color, a);

// matrices can be composed from vectors
	vec2(1, 0), // column 0
	vec2(0, 1)  // column 1

// a single argument sets the diagonal components (which creates a scale matrix)

Operator Overloads

All vector, matrix and scalar operations available in GLSL are supported

// vectors can multiply with scalars
vec2(1, 2) * 0.5;
mat2(1) * 0.5; // return a new mat2 after multiplying each component with the scalar

// vectors can be multiplied with compatible matrices
mat2(2) * vec2(3, 4);
var position = projection * view * model * vec4(xyz, 1.0);

// +=, *= etc work
var dt = 1/60;
var position = vec2(0.0);
var velocity = vec2(0.3, 0.4);
position += velocity * dt;

// component-wise comparison
vec2(1, 2) == vec2(1, 2) // true


Supports all possible read and write swizzle operations, including aliases rgba and stpq

vec4(1, 2, 3, 4).wzyx == vec4(4, 3, 2, 1); // true

// set xy components to (1, 2)
var position = vec4(0.0);
position.xy = vec2(1, 2);

// set rgb components to green
var color4 = vec4(1.0); // white
color4.rgb = vec3(0., 1., 0); // green


All operations are inlined so that vector objects are rarely constructed, instead vector operations compile to stack variables (meaning we can avoid the GC completely for most vector operations!). For example, the following compiled with -D analyzer-optimize

trace(length(mat2(2) * vec2(3, 4) * 0.5 - vec2(0.5)));



(Cool right?)

Furthermore, because vector components are just stack variables these operations are easily auto-vectorized (SIMD) on compiled targets like cpp


Install with haxelib install vector-math

Add --library vector-math to your hxml commands

Then simply import the VectorMath class: import VectorMath;

import VectorMath;

function main() {
	var normal = normalize(vec2(Math.random(), Math.random()));
	var tangent = normal.yx * vec2(-1, 1);
	var transformedTangent = mat2(2) * tangent;

Add --dce full and -D analyzer-optimize to your hxml for clean output!