

<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20182801/61394945-3e7cbd80-a8ff-11e9-8930-f827ef2cfd69.png"> <p align="center"> <a href="https://zatitech.com" target="_blank"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20182801/93010360-b52a4f00-f5c6-11ea-8649-ecec117e5f7f.png" class="center" width="300"> </a> </p> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20182801/61394821-fb224f00-a8fe-11e9-82d5-6e008df6710e.png" width="200" >

ASSURE mapping tools

Desktop based tool for viewing, editing and saving road network maps for autonomous vehicle platforms such as Autoware.

Operating System

Docker installation

In order to have NVIDIA support in the docker from the host, mesa-utils is needed to use glxinfo and getting the information of NVIDIA driver.

sudo apt install mesa-utils

Use build docker script to build the image on your system. If the current branch is master the script will automatically build the image and tag it as master.

sh build-docker.sh

Use run docker script to run the container. If no argument is provided it will run master tag by defualt.


for more information how to use run-docker check the help

$ ./run-docker -h
Usage: run-docker [options]

This run script will assist you to run assuremappingtools container

    -h,--help               Show this help
    -b,--branch             Branch name or tag name, if not provided it uses master.
    -w,--workspace          Absolute path for the working directory, if not provided no workspace added
                            This should be used to access your files on the host machine.

Direct installation, prerequisites libraries:

  1. Install OpenCV 2.4 don't forget to checkout ver, default git clone download ver 4.0
  2. Install ROS melodic
  3. Install libtinyxml, freeglut3, libglew, libpcl1, libpugixml-dev, libgeographic, libplib, libglm
  4. Install ros-melodic-pcl-ros

GPU acceleration

Supported Roadnetwork Map formates (Load)

Supported Roadnetwork Map formates (Save)

Supported Pointcloud data

Supported Map Semantics


New features

Known Issues