

<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20182801/61394945-3e7cbd80-a8ff-11e9-8930-f827ef2cfd69.png"> <p align="center"> <a href="https://zatitech.com" target="_blank"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20182801/93010360-b52a4f00-f5c6-11ea-8649-ecec117e5f7f.png" class="center" width="300"> </a> </p> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20182801/61394821-fb224f00-a8fe-11e9-82d5-6e008df6710e.png" width="200" >

ASSURE mapping tools

Desktop based tool for viewing, editing and saving road network maps for autonomous vehicle platforms such as Autoware.

Operating System (Validated)

Docker installation (Ubuntu)

On the host:

  1. Install Docker.
  2. Test docker works by following the helloworld tutorial.
  3. Install nvidia container toolkit.
  4. Test that you have access to nvidia from docker by running either (glxgears or nvidia-smi)
  5. You might need to install the following on the host:
sudo apt install mesa-utils

Docker installation (Windows 10)

On the host:

  1. Install PowerShell from Microsoft Store. Will be used to run Docker command in the following steps.
  2. Install Docker.
  3. Start Docker Desktop from the start menu.
  4. Test docker works by following the helloworld tutorial.

Before Docker Build

Set your data folders by modifying the followiing in the docker compose yaml file

- /home/user/data:/root/data

Important for Windows:

On Windows you need to make sure the "ros_entrypoint.sh" End of Line Sequence is actually "LF" not "CRLF". Can be modified from VSCode. Change CRLF to LF then save the file.

Build Docker Image (Ubuntu):

docker compose -f docker-compose-linux-app-nvidia.yaml build

Build Docker Image (Windows):

docker compose -f docker-compose-windows-wsl-app.yaml build

Start ASSURE SMT (Ubuntu):

xhost + local:
docker compose -f docker-compose-linux-app-nvidia.yaml up

Start ASSURE SMT (Windows):

docker compose -f docker-compose-windows-wsl-app.yaml up

Supported Roadnetwork Map formates (Load)

Supported Roadnetwork Map formates (Save)

Supported Pointcloud data

Supported Map Semantics


New features

Known Issues