

Hatchet: Go SDK Quickstart

This repository contains a simple application which showcases how to use the Hatchet Go SDK to create events and workflows. In ./cmd/server, you'll find a simple echo server which pushes an event to Hatchet every time it receives a request on /test. In ./cmd/worker, we create a worker which runs a simple workflow called event-test whenever the test-called event is seen.

Getting Started


This quickstart example requires the following tools to work:

Get up and running

  1. Run go mod download to fetch all packages.

  2. Run docker compose up to start the Hatchet instance. This will take a few minutes, as the docker compose services set up the database and generate the required certificates to connect to the Hatchet instance. You can also run docker compose up -d to start this in the background. Once you start to see output from the engine and api services, you can move on to the next step.

  3. You should be able to navigate to localhost:8020 and use the following credentials to log in:

    Email: admin@example.com
    Password: Admin123!!
  4. Create a token. You can do this from the dashboard or from the CLI:

From the CLI:

export HATCHET_CLIENT_TOKEN="$(docker compose run --no-deps setup-config /hatchet/hatchet-admin token create --config /hatchet/config --tenant-id 707d0855-80ab-4e1f-a156-f1c4546cbf52 | xargs)"

From the dashboard:

  1. Start the server and worker:
go run ./cmd/server & go run ./cmd/worker
  1. Run curl http://localhost:1323/test to test the endpoint.

You will see events and workflows populated in the Hatchet dashboard:

<img width="1728" alt="image" src="https://github.com/hatchet-dev/hatchet-go-quickstart/assets/25448214/376e4ee8-7233-4a84-85b8-f71ad9e7402e">