

servant - A Type-Level Web DSL


Getting Started

We have a tutorial that introduces the core features of servant. After this article, you should be able to write your first servant webservices, learning the rest from the haddocks' examples.

The core documentation can be found here. Other blog posts, videos and slides can be found on the website.

If you need help, drop by the IRC channel (#haskell-servant on libera.chat) or mailing list.



Release process outline (by phadej)

TechEmpower framework benchmarks

We develop and maintain the servant TFB entry in https://github.com/haskell-servant/FrameworkBenchmarks/

To verify (i.e. compile and test that it works)

./tfb --mode verify --test servant servant-beam servant-psql-simple --type json plaintext db fortune

To compare with warp

./tfb --mode benchmark --test warp servant servant-beam servant-psql-simple --type json plaintext db fortune

To compare with reitit (Clojure framework)

./tfb --mode benchmark --test reitit reitit-async reitit-jdbc servant servant-beam servant-psql-simple --type json plaintext db fortune

You can see the visualised results at https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=test


A developer shell.nix file is provided in the nix directory

See nix/README.md