


Cakephp 2.x Plugin for VisualCaptcha https://github.com/emotionLoop/visualCaptcha


  1. Clone into app/Plugin directory and rename it to VisualCaptcha
  2. Clone the php package https://github.com/emotionLoop/visualCaptcha-packagist into app/Vendor directory and rename it to visual_captcha
  3. Add the component in the controller like public $components = array('VisualCaptcha.VisualCaptcha'); and load from bootstrap: CakePlugin::load('VisualCaptcha');.
  4. Js options can be taken from here, https://github.com/emotionLoop/visualCaptcha-frontend-jquery.

E.g. lets say we want to set up the actions in UsersController. In View add this:

var WEB_ROOT = '<?php echo $this->webroot; ?>';
$(document).ready(function() {
        imgPath: WEB_ROOT + 'visual_captcha/img/',  // visual_captcha - according to Plugin's name
        captcha: {
            numberOfImages: 5,
            url: WEB_ROOT,
            routes: {
            	image : 'users/captcha_image',
            	audio : 'users/captcha_audio',
		       	start : 'users/captcha'

In users controller we should have these actions

	public function captcha() {
		$this->autoRender = false;
		echo $this->VisualCaptcha->generate();

	public function captcha_image($index) {
		$this->autoRender = false;
		return $this->VisualCaptcha->image($index);
	public function captcha_audio() {
		$this->autoRender = false;
		echo $this->VisualCaptcha->audio();

For checking the validity just use $this->VisualCaptcha->check(). It will automatically check the $this->request->data for the captcha's key => value pair.
