


This repository contains Logstash related content including tons of Logstash configurations. The hope is to provide these free to the security community so we all can benefit from them. Please feel free to share your Logstash configuration files and we will make sure you get credit for your contributions to the community.

Key directories and what they are can be found below:

configfiles - This directory contains the main configuration files that should be able to go directly into production without modification. configfiles-setup-required - This directory contains Logstash configuration files that require additional software or changes to be made to the configuration files. configfiles-OPTIONAL - This directory contains optional Logstash configuration files as some organizations may not want the features they introduce but are worth consideration.

Key contributors

These folks have made significant contributions to this repository. This can be in the form of contributing Logstash configuration files, testing, or providing valueable insights and ideas.