Official implementation of "LinGCN: Structural Linearized Graph Convolutional Network for Homomorphically Encrypted Inference"
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title={LinGCN: Structural Linearized Graph Convolutional Network for Homomorphically Encrypted Inference},
author={Peng, Hongwu and Ran, Ran and Luo, Yukui and others},
booktitle={Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},
Overview of the LinGCN Framework
<!-- ![comp](./figures/overview.png.png) --> <img src="./figures/overview.png" width="1000">We propose LinGCN Framework for structural Linearizated Graph Convolution Network for homomorphically encrypted inference accelerating.
Differentiable structural linearization, LinGCN proposed a parameterized structural polarization for STGCN network, which release the freedom for each graph nodes to choose their own favored location for non-linear operation and effectively reduce the multiplication depth for homomorphic encryption.
Node-wise polynomial replacement, LinGCN conduct teacher-guided node-wise polynomial replacement, which allows different polynomial approximation for each nodes, thus has more freedom on model architecture.
Better operator fusion, LinGCN conduct better operator fusion for STGCN layer to further reduce the multiplication depth of Homomorphically Encrypted Inference
(This repo was forked from
For detailed original environment setting and dataset downloading, please refer to We provide shortcut for dataset download and environment
1. Dataset Download
Please download NTU-RGB-D dataset from Google drive described in dataset github; Only the 3D skeletons(5.8GB) modality is required in our experiments. After that, this command should be used to build the database for training or evaluation:
python tools/ --data_path <path to nturgbd+d_skeletons>
where the <path to nturgbd+d_skeletons>
points to the 3D skeletons modality of NTU RGB+D dataset you download.
2. Environment Setup
conda create --name LinGCN python=3.9
conda install -y pytorch==1.12.0 torchvision==0.13.0 torchaudio==0.12.0 cudatoolkit=11.6 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
conda install -c conda-forge tensorboardx
cd torchlight; python install; cd ..
pip install pyyaml==5.4.0
pip install h5py
pip install imageio
pip install scikit-video
pip install opencv-python
3. Test the Model Performance
We give 4-STGCN-3-256 model in the ./model
folder, and here is the test code:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python recognition -c config/st_gcn_cleaned/ntu-xview/test_poly_reduce_3layers_2_lambda_1.yaml
The running result is already logged in ./work_dir/tmp/log.txt
, you can directly check the log. The 4-STGCN-3-256 model has 4 effective non-linear layers, which is 2 layers less than the baseline model.
4. Repeat the training pipeline described in the paper
We give the code to repeat the training pipeline for 4-STGCN-3-256 model.
4.1. Train a Baseline Model
The training utilizes automatic mix precision with FP16 format.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python recognition -c config/st_gcn_cleaned/ntu-xview/train_baseline_3_layers_2.yaml
4.2. Conduct Structural Linearization
We conduct structural linearization with μ=1. This will result in a model with 4 effective non-linear layers.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python recognition -c config/st_gcn_cleaned/ntu-xview/train_node_wise_3layers_2_lambda_1.yaml
4.3. Conduct Final Polynomial Replacement
We conduct polynomial replacement with model trained from structural linearization. The final model exhibit a smaller multiplication depth than the baseline model, and result in significant private inference speedup.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python recognition -c config/st_gcn_cleaned/ntu-xview/train_poly_reduce_3layers_2_lambda_1.yaml
Speedups over Other Existing Works
Extensive experiments and ablation studies validate that our LinGCN effectively reduces the multiplication depth consumption and lead to more than 14.2x latency reduction at an accuracy around 75.0% compared to CryptoGCN. LinGCN proves scalable for larger models, delivering a substantial 85.78% accuracy with 6371s latency, a 10.47% accuracy improvement over CryptoGCN.
<!-- ![comp](./figures/comp.png) --> <img src="./figures/plot_frontiers_LinGCN.png" width="1000">