

Sentence Convolution Code in Torch

This code implements Kim (2014) sentence convolution code in Torch with GPUs. It replicates the results on existing datasets, and allows training of models on arbitrary other text datasets.


To make data in hdf5 format, run the following (with word2vec .bin path and choice of dataset):

python preprocess.py MR /path/to/word2vec.bin

To run training with GPUs:

th main.lua -data MR.hdf5 -cudnn 1 -gpuid 1

Results are timestamped and saved to the results/ directory.


The training pipeline requires Python hdf5 (the h5py module) and the following lua packages:

Training on word2vec architecture models requires downloading word2vec and unzipping. Simply run the script


Creating datasets

We provide the following datasets: MR, SST1, SST2, SUBJ, TREC, CR, MPQA. All raw training data is located in the data/ directory. The SST1, SST2 data have both test and dev sets, and TREC has a test set.

The data takes word2vec embeddings, processes the vocabulary, and outputs a data matrix of vocabulary indices for each sentence.

To create the hdf5 file, run the following with DATASET as one of the described datasets:

python preprocess.py DATASET /path/to/word2vec.bin

The script outputs:

Training on custom datasets

We allow training on arbitrary text datasets. They should be formatted in the same way as the sample data, with one sentence per line, and the first word the class label (0-indexed). Our code handles most parsing of punctuation, possessives, capitalization, etc.

Example line:

1 no movement , no yuks , not much of anything .

Then run:

python preprocess.py custom /path/to/word2vec.bin --train /path/to/train/data --test /path/to/test/data --dev /path/to/dev/data

The output file's name can be set with the flag --custom_name (default is named custom).

Running torch

Training is typically done with 10-fold cross-validation and 25 epochs. If the data set comes with a test set, we don't do cross validation (but split training data 90/10 for the dev set). If the data comes with the dev set, we don't do the split for train/dev.

There are four main model architectures we implemented, as described in Kim (2014): rand, static, nonstatic, multichannel.

It is highly recommended that GPUs are used during training if possible (see Results section for timing benchmarks).

Separating out training and testing is easy; use the parameters -train_only and -test_only. Also, pretrained models at any stage can be loaded from a .t7 file with -warm_start_model (see more parameters below).


The code outputs a checkpoint .t7 file for every fold with name -savefile. The default name is TIMESTAMP_results.

The following are saved as a table:

Model augmentations

A few modifications were made to the model architecture as experiments.

Results from these experiments are described below in the Results section.


The following is a list of complete parameters allowed by the torch code.

Training hyperparameters:

Model hyperparameters:


The following results were collected with the same training setup as in Kim (2014) (same parameters, 10-fold cross validation if data has no test set, 25 epochs).



With 5 trials on SST1, we have a mean nonstatic score of 46.7 with standard deviation 1.69.

With 1 highway layer, SST1 achieves a mean score of mean 47.8, stddev 0.857, over 5 trials, and with 2 highway layers, mean 47.1, stddev 1.47, over 10 trials.


We ran timing benchmarks on SST1, which has train/dev/test data sizes of 156817/1101/2210. We used a batch size of 50.

| non-GPU | GPU --- | --- | --- per epoch | 2475 s | 54.0 s per batch | 787 ms | 15.6 ms

From these results, we see that using GPUs achieves almost a 50x speedup on training. This allows much faster tuning of parameters and model experimentation.

Relevant publications

This code is based on Kim (2014) and the corresponding Theano code.

Kim, Y. (2014). Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification. In Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), pp. 1746–1751, Doha, Qatar. Association for Computational Linguistics.

Srivastava, R. K., Greff, K., & Schmidhuber, J. (2015). Training very deep networks. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (pp. 2368-2376).