


Implementation of NIPS 2017 paper Pose Guided Person Image Generation in PyTorch.



The key task is to transfer the appearance of a person from a given pose to a desired pose keeping the important appearance details intact. A two-stage approach is proposed to address the task, with each stage focusing on one aspect. The first stage comprises of pose integration generating a coarse image. The second stage utilizes a variant of a conditional DCGAN to fill in more appearance details.

Network Architecture

The generation framework utilizes the pose information explicitly and consists of two key stages: pose integration and image refinement. The architecture of generator is inspired by U-Net in both the key stages. In the first stage the condition image and the target pose are fed into the network to generate a coarse image of the person with the target pose. The second stage then refines the blurry result by training a generator in an adversarial way. The architecture of the generator and discriminator are shown below:

Network Architecture


git clone https://github.com/harshitbansal05/Pose-Guided-Image-Generation/
cd Pose-Guided-Image-Generation


The DeepFashion (In-shop Clothes Retrieval Benchmark) dataset consists of 52,712 in-shop clothes images, and 200,000 cross-pose/scale pairs. All images are in high-resolution of 256×256. The entire dataset can be downloaded from here.


Suggestions and pull requests are actively welcome.


  1. Pose Guided Person Image Generation. (Paper)
  2. A TensorFlow Implementation of Pose Guided Person Image Generation. (Link)