


Wardley Mapping stencil for OmniGraffle software. See Wardley Maps for details on Wardley Mapping.

Includes shapes for:

All stencils can be customized directly in your OmniGraffle document, or by editing the stencil itself for reuse. See "Editing an Existing Stencil" in the OmniGraffle docs.


  1. Download Wardley Maps.gstencil
  2. Open the file with OmniGraffle
  3. Select "Move and Edit" to move the file to your Stencils folder
  4. You should see the stencil file open in the document editor
  5. Unless you plan to edit the stencil itself, you can close the Wardley Maps stencil file now
  6. Open a new or existing OmniGraffle file in which to use the stencil
  7. Open the Stencils window/sidebar; "Wardley Maps" should be listed under Miscellaneous.

Example diagram

A sample Wardley map showing a value chain for risk management


Copyright 2019 Harry Love.

This work is based on ideas, research, and designs originally created by Simon Wardley, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.