Rwkvstic, pronounced however you want to, is a library for interfacing and using the RWKV-V4 based models.
Rwkvstic does not autoinstall its dependencies, as its main purpose is to be dependency agnostic, able to be used by whatever library you would prefer.
When using BlinkDLs pretrained models, it would advised to have the torch
package installed.
Some options, when left blank, will elicit a prompt asking you to choose a value.
for this purpose, please ensure you have the inquirer
package installed.
as of RWKVSTIC 2.0, the default mode is GPU with FASTQUANT, my own custom implementation of strategy="cuda fp32i8".
Please checkout the strategy section on RWKV for other strategies, or look at the advanced modes below.
Tables and graphs
Rwkv-4 models -> recomended vram
rwkvstic vram
Model | 8bit | bf16/fp16 | fp32
14B | 16GB | 28GB | >50GB
7B | 8GB | 14GB | 28GB
3B | 2.8GB| 6GB | 12GB
1b5 | 1.3GB| 3GB | 6GB
pip install rwkvstic
Basic Usage
from rwkvstic.load import RWKV
# Load the model (supports full path, relative path, and remote paths)
model = RWKV(
model.loadContext(newctx=f"Q: who is Jim Butcher?\n\nA:")
output = model.forward(number=100)["output"]
# Q: who is Jim Butcher?
# A: Jim Butcher is a very popular American author of fantasy novels. He’s known for the Dresden Files series of novels.<|endoftext|>
RWKV wrapper
You can use any compatible rwkv strategy string to overwrite the default behavior with the original BlinkDL package
model = RWKV(
strategy="cuda fp32"
You can export the default FASTQUANT mode for quick downloading and loading, as it has a smaller file size and uses less Ram and Disk Space
model = RWKV(
# exported model as myfilename.rwkv
model = RWKV(
Advanced Usage
Step 1: load the model with your choice of poison
from rwkvstic.load import RWKV
from rwkvstic.agnostic.backends import TORCH
# this is the dtype used for trivial operations, such as vector->vector operations and is the dtype that will determine the accuracy of the model
runtimedtype = torch.float32 # torch.float64, torch.bfloat16
# this is the dtype used for matrix-vector operations, and is the dtype that will determine the performance and memory usage of the model
dtype = torch.bfloat16 # torch.float32, torch.float64, torch.bfloat16
useGPU = True # False
model = RWKV("path/to/model.pth", mode=TORCH, useGPU=useGPU, runtimedtype=runtimedtype, dtype=dtype)
from rwkvstic.load import RWKV
from rwkvstic.agnostic.backends import JAX
# Jax will automatically use the GPU if available, and will use the CPU if not available
model = RWKV("path/to/model.pth", mode=JAX)
from rwkvstic.load import RWKV
from rwkvstic.agnostic.backends import TF
useGPU = True # False
model = RWKV("path/to/model.pth", mode=TF, useGPU=useGPU)
from rwkvstic.load import RWKV
from rwkvstic.agnostic.backends import NUMPY
# you masochistic bastard
model = RWKV("path/to/model.pth", mode=NUMPY)
Trade vram usage for performance
from rwkvstic.load import RWKV
from rwkvstic.agnostic.backends import TORCH_STREAM
# this is the dtype used for trivial operations, such as vector->vector operations and is the dtype that will determine the accuracy of the model
runtime_dtype = torch.float32 # torch.float64, torch.bfloat16
# this is the dtype used for matrix-vector operations, and is the dtype that will determine the performance and memory usage of the model
dtype = torch.bfloat16 # torch.float32, torch.float64, torch.bfloat16
# this is the amount of GB you want to use for matrix storage, if the model is too large, matrixes will be stored in ram and moved to the GPU as needed
target = 4
# Pin Memory is used to speed up the transfer of data to the GPU, but will use more memory, both on the GPU and on the CPU
pin_memory = True
model = RWKV("path/to/model.pth", mode=TORCH_STREAM, runtimedtype=runtime_dtype, dtype=dtype, target=target, pinMem=pin_memory)
Model weights are split(sharded) across multiple GPUs
from rwkvstic.load import RWKV
from rwkvstic.agnostic.backends import TORCH_SPLIT
# this is the dtype used for trivial operations, such as vector->vector operations and is the dtype that will determine the accuracy of the model
runtime_dtype = torch.float32 # torch.float64, torch.bfloat16
# this is the dtype used for matrix-vector operations, and is the dtype that will determine the performance and memory usage of the model
dtype = torch.bfloat16 # torch.float32, torch.float64, torch.bfloat16
model = RWKV("path/to/model.pth", mode=TORCH_SPLIT, runtimedtype=runtime_dtype, dtype=dtype)
Uses close to half the memory of float16, but is slightly less accurate, and is about 4x slower
from rwkvstic.load import RWKV
from rwkvstic.agnostic.backends import TORCH_QUANT
# this is the dtype used for trivial operations, such as vector->vector operations and is the dtype that will determine the accuracy of the model
runtime_dtype = torch.float32 # torch.float64, torch.bfloat16
# this is the amount of chunks to split the matrix rows into pre-row-quantization, the more chunks, the more accurate the model will be, but with some minor trade offs
chunksize = 4
useGPU = True # False
# this is the amount of GB you want to use for matrix storage, if the model is too large, matrixes will be stored in ram and moved to the GPU as needed, same as stream
target = 4
model = RWKV("path/to/model.pth", mode=TORCH_QUANT, runtimedtype=runtime_dtype, chunksize=chunksize, useGPU=useGPU, target=target)
Step 2: State management
The state
The state is a vectorized value that is a representation of all the previous inputs and outputs of the model. It is used basically the memory of the model, and is used to generate the next output.
The model has an internal state, so the following is useful in that regards.
model = RWKV("path/to/model.pth")
emptyState = model.emptyState
currentMem = model.getState()
Step 3: Injecting context
Injecting context
When you want to influence the output of the model, you can inject context into the model. This is done by using the loadContext
model = RWKV("path/to/model.pth")
model.loadContext(newctx="Q: who is Jim Butcher?\n\nA:")
model.loadContext(newctx="Can you tell me more?\n\nA:")
Step 4: Generating output
Generating output
When you want to generate output, you can use the forward
model = RWKV("path/to/model.pth")
number = 100 # the number of tokens to generate
stopStrings = ["\n\n"] # When read, the model will stop generating output
stopTokens = [0] # advanced, when the model has generated any of these tokens, it will stop generating output
temp = 1 # the temperature of the model, higher values will result in more random output, lower values will result in more predictable output
top_p = 0.9 # the top_p of the model, higher values will result in more random output, lower values will result in more predictable output
def progressLambda(properties):
# "logits", "state", "output", "progress", "tokens", "total", "current"
output = model.forward(number=number, stopStrings=stopStrings, stopTokens=stopTokens, temp=temp, top_p=top_p, progressLambda=progressLambda)
print(output["output"]) # the generated output
print(output["state"]) # the state of the model after generation
print(output["logits"]) # the logits of the model after generation, before sampling
Implementation Details
The RWKVOP object
Here is a base class, when overwritten, will allow the swapout of operations with their equivilents in different frameworks. Ill show you the JAX one, as its relatively simple
class RWKVJaxOps(RWKVOp.module):
def __init__(self, layers, embed, preJax=False):
from jax import numpy as npjax
super().__init__(layers, embed)
# convert from torch to jax
self.initTensor = lambda x: npjax.array(x.float().cpu().numpy())
# jax math functions
self.sqrt = lambda x: npjax.sqrt(x)
self.mean = lambda x: npjax.mean(x)
self.relu = lambda x: npjax.maximum(x, 0)
self.exp = lambda x: npjax.exp(x)
self.matvec = npjax.matmul
self.lerp = lambda x, y, z: x*(1-z) + y*(z)
self.minimum = lambda x, y: npjax.minimum(x, y)
self.log = npjax.log
def ln(x, w, b):
xee2 = x - self.mean(x)
x2 = self.sqrt(self.mean(xee2*xee2) + 0.000009999999747378752)
return w*(xee2/x2) + b
self.layernorm = ln
# constants and stuff
self.klimit = npjax.array([18] * embed)
self.stack = lambda x: x
# module def
self.module = object
# function overwrites (used for advanced stuff)
self.initfunc = lambda x: x
self.layerdef = lambda x: x
self.mainfunc = lambda x: x
# The empty state
self.emptyState = npjax.array([[0.01]*embed]*4*layers)
This can then be used to construct and infer the model.
Stream, Split And Quant
The stream, split and quant backends are all pytorch varients that use some tricks to use less, or distribute memory usage across multiple GPUs.
Ill show you the important stuff, usually consisting of how the matrixes are constructed, and how they are used to create a matvec.
(Disclaimer, just similar to the actual code, not the actual code, actual code is messy and gross)
# Pinning memory allows for faster transfer between CPU and GPU, but uses more memory
def pinmem(x):
return x.pin_memory() if pinMem and x.device == "cpu" else x
def initMatrix(x):
# if more memory is used then the target specified, then it is sent to the cpu
if torch.cuda.max_memory_reserved(0)/1024/1024/1024 > target:
x = x.cpu()
x = x.cuda(non_blocking=True)
return pinmem(x)
# for the matvec, it just brings it to the correct device as needed
def matvec(z, y):
return, non_blocking=True) @ y
def initMatrix(x):
devices = [torch.device("cuda", i) for i in range(torch.cuda.device_count())]
# split the matrix into the number of devices
x = torch.split(x, x.shape[0]//len(devices), dim=0)
# send each part to a different device
x = [[i], non_blocking=True) for i in range(len(x))]
return x
# for the matvec, split the vector into the number of devices, and then send each part to the correct device
def matvec(z, y):
devices = [torch.device("cuda", i) for i in range(torch.cuda.device_count())]
y = torch.split(y, y.shape[0]//len(devices), dim=0)
y = [[i], non_blocking=True) for i in range(len(y))]
# do the matvec on each part
z = [z[i].mv(y[i]) for i in range(len(z))]
# put them all on one device
z = [[0], non_blocking=True) for i in z]
# add them all together
z = torch.sum(torch.stack(z), dim=0)
return z
def QuantizeMatrix(x, runtimeDtype, device):
rang = 255
ran, mini = (x.max(0)[0]-x.min(0)[0])/rang, x.min(0)[0]
x = x.double()
x = ((x-mini)/ran)
x =
dtype=torch.uint8, non_blocking=True, device=device)
return x,,
def MatVec(x, y, runtimedtype):
# resize y into a 2d array
y = y.reshape(chunksize, -1)
# retrieve the quantized matrix, the spread, and the offset
rx, spread, zpoint = x
# spread the y vector across the spread matrix
yy = y*spread
# convert the quantized matrix back to the runtime dtype
rx =
# we can use matmul to do a batched matvec for each split matrix
xmain = rx.matmul(yy.reshape(yy.shape[0], -1, 1)).sum(0).squeeze()
# the offset is added to the result
return xmain + torch.tensordot(zpoint, y)
def initMatrix(x):
# by splitting the matrix before quantizing, it allows for much better results
splitmatrices = torch.chunk(x, chunksize, 1)
xx = [QuantizeMatrix(x, runtimedtype, dev)
for x in splitmatrices]
xxo = torch.stack([x[0] for x in xx])
xx1 = torch.stack([x[1] for x in xx])
xx2 = torch.stack([x[2] for x in xx])
return xxo, xx1, xx2
You can prequantize the matrixes to save loading time, and bandwidth when downloading model.
cd /path/to/folder/with/model
python3 -m rwkvstic --pq
# what model to prequantize?
# -> model.pth
# model.pth
# model.pqth
You can load these pre-quantized models as you would a normal file.
from rwkvstic.load import RWKV
model = RWKV("model.pqth")
Onnx export
You can export the model to onnx, and then use onnxruntime/rwkvstic to infer the model.
from rwkvstic.load import RWKV
from rwkvstic.agnostic.backends import ONNX_EXPORT
import torch
model = RWKV("model.pth", mode=ONNX_EXPORT, dtype=torch.float16) # or torch.float32
# the model is exported to model_{layers}_{embed}.onnx
# the external data is stored in model_{layers}_{embed}.bin
rwkvstic onnx running
from rwkvstic.load import RWKV
model = RWKV("model_12_768.onnx")