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WPGraphQL for Gravity Forms

A WordPress plugin that adds <a href="https://wpgraphql.com" target="_blank">WPGraphQL</a> support for <a href="https://gravityforms.com" target="_blank">Gravity Forms</a>.

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The WPGraphQL for Gravity Forms plugin is a powerful extension for WPGraphQL that provides a comprehensive suite of features that allows developers to interact with Gravity Forms via GraphQL.

This plugin enhances the developer experience by offering a GraphQL schema tailored for Gravity Forms. The schema provides improved type safety, prevents over-fetching, and makes it easier to interact with your forms and entries than (and even provides functionality not available in) Gravity Form's traditional PHP and REST APIs.

WPGraphQL for Gravity Forms is an essential tool for those leveraging decoupled and headless WordPress architectures. Whether you're using WordPress as a data source for your headless application, integrating Gravity Forms data into an external service, or building custom, interactive form experiences, this plugin offers improved developer experience and features to make your frontend code more robust. It's designed to be a versatile tool, capable of handling any decoupled project from simple form submissions to complex, form-driven applications scalable at an enterprise level.

System Requirements

Quick Install

  1. Install & activate WPGraphQL.
  2. Install & activate Gravity Forms and any supported addons.
  3. Download the wp-graphql-gravity-forms.zip file from the latest release upload it to your WordPress install, and activate the plugin.


Make sure you are downloading the wp-graphql-gravity-forms.zip file from the releases page, not the Source code (zip) file nor a clone of the repository.

If you wish to use the source code, you will need to run composer install inside the plugin folder to install the required dependencies.

With Composer

composer require harness-software/wp-graphql-gravity-forms

Updating and Versioning

As we work towards a 1.0 Release, we will need to introduce numerous breaking changes. We will do our best to group multiple breaking changes together in a single release, to make it easier on developers to keep their projects up-to-date.

Until we hit v1.0, we're using a modified version of Semantic Versioning

v0.x: "Major" releases. These releases introduce new features, and may contain breaking changes to either the PHP API or the GraphQL schema. v0.x.y: "Minor" releases. These releases introduce new features and enhancements and address bugs. They do not contain breaking changes. v0.x.y.z: "Patch" releases. These releases are reserved for addressing issue with the previous release only.

Development and Support

Development of WPGraphQL for Gravity Forms is provided by AxePress Development. Community contributions are welcome and encouraged.

Basic support is provided for free, both in this repo and in WPGraphQL's official Discord.

Priority support and custom development are available to our Sponsors.

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Supported Features

Future Feature Enhancements

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