

Hari Sekhon - DevOps Bash Tools

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1000+ DevOps Shell Scripts and Advanced Bash environment.

Fast, Advanced Systems Engineering, Automation, APIs, shorter CLIs, etc.

Heavily used in many GitHub repos, dozens of DockerHub builds (Dockerfiles) and 600+ CI builds.


See Also: similar DevOps repos in other languages

Hari Sekhon

Cloud & Big Data Contractor, United Kingdom

(ex-Cloudera, former Hortonworks Consultant)

My LinkedIn <br>(you're welcome to connect with me on LinkedIn)

Quick Setup

To bootstrap, install packages and link in to your shell profile to inherit all configs, do:

curl -L https://git.io/bash-bootstrap | sh

To only install package dependencies to run scripts, simply cd to the git clone directory and run make:

git clone https://github.com/HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools bash-tools
cd bash-tools

make install sets your shell profile to source this repo. See Individual Setup Parts below for more install/uninstall options.


Linux & Mac

Top-level .bashrc, bin/, .bash.d/ and configs/ directories:

See also Knowledge Base notes for Linux and Mac.


mysql/, postgres/, sql/ and bin/ directories:

AWS - Amazon Web Services

aws/ directory:

See also Knowledge Base notes for AWS.

GCP - Google Cloud Platform

gcp/ directory:

See also Knowledge Base notes for GCP.


kubernetes/ directory:

See also Knowledge Base notes for Kubernetes.


docker/ directory:

See also Knowledge Base notes for Docker.


data/ directory:

Big Data & NoSQL

bigdata/ and kafka/ directories:

See also Knowledge Base notes for Hadoop.

Git - GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Azure DevOps

git/, github/, gitlab/, bitbucket/ and azure_devops/ directories:

See also Knowledge Base notes for Git.

CI/CD - Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment

jenkins/, terraform/, teamcity/, buildkite/, circlci/, travis/, azure_devops/, ..., cicd/ directories:

See also Knowledge Base notes for CI/CD.

AI & IPaaS

ai/ and ipaas/ directories:

Internet Services

bin/, pingdom/, terraform/ directories:


java/ directory:

See also Knowledge Base notes for Java and JVM Performance Tuning.


python/ directory:

See also Knowledge Base notes for Python.


perl/ directory:

See also Knowledge Base notes for Perl.


packages/ directory:


media/ directory:

See also Knowledge Base notes for MultiMedia.


40+ Spotify API scripts (used extensively to manage my Spotify-Playlists repo).

spotify/ directory:

More Linux & Mac

bin/, install/, packages/, setup/ directories:

Builds, Languages & Linting

bin/, checks/, cicd/ or language specific directories:

Individual Setup Parts

Optional, only if you don't do the full make install.

Install only OS system package dependencies and AWS CLI via Python Pip (doesn't symlink anything to $HOME):


Adds sourcing to .bashrc and .bash_profile and symlinks dot config files to $HOME (doesn't install OS system package dependencies):

make link

undo via

make unlink

Install only OS system package dependencies (doesn't include AWS CLI or Python packages):

make system-packages

Install AWS CLI:

make aws

Install Azure CLI:

make azure

Install GCP GCloud SDK (includes CLI):

make gcp

Install GCP GCloud Shell environment (sets up persistent OS packages and all home directory configs):

make gcp-shell

Install generically useful Python CLI tools and modules (includes AWS CLI, autopep8 etc):

make python

Full Help

> make help


  Common Options:

    make help                   show this message
    make build                  installs all dependencies - OS packages and any language libraries via native tools eg. pip, cpanm, gem, go etc that are not available via OS packages
    make build-retry            retries 'make build' x 3 until success to try to mitigate temporary upstream repo failures triggering false alerts in CI systems
    make ci                     prints env, then runs 'build-retry' for more resilient CI builds with debugging
    make printenv               prints environment variables, CPU cores, OS release, $PWD, Git branch, hashref etc. Useful for CI debugging
    make system-packages        installs OS packages only (detects OS via whichever package manager is available)
    make test                   run tests
    make clean                  removes compiled / generated files, downloaded tarballs, temporary files etc.

    make submodules             initialize and update submodules to the right release (done automatically by build / system-packages)
    make init                   same as above, often useful to do in CI systems to get access to additional submodule provided targets such as 'make ci'

    make cpan                   install any modules listed in any cpan-requirements.txt files if not already installed

    make pip                    install any modules listed in any requirements.txt files if not already installed

    make python-compile         compile any python files found in the current directory and 1 level of subdirectory
    make pycompile

    make github                 open browser at github project
    make readme                 open browser at github's README
    make github-url             print github url and copy to clipboard
    make status                 open browser at Github CI Builds overview Status page for all projects

    make ls                     print list of code files in project
    make wc                     show counts of files and lines

  Repo specific options:

    make install                builds all script dependencies, installs AWS CLI, symlinks all config files to $HOME and adds sourcing of bash profile

    make link                   symlinks all config files to $HOME and adds sourcing of bash profile
    make unlink                 removes all symlinks pointing to this repo's config files and removes the sourcing lines from .bashrc and .bash_profile

    make python-desktop         installs all Python Pip packages for desktop workstation listed in setup/pip-packages-desktop.txt
    make perl-desktop           installs all Perl CPAN packages for desktop workstation listed in setup/cpan-packages-desktop.txt
    make ruby-desktop           installs all Ruby Gem packages for desktop workstation listed in setup/gem-packages-desktop.txt
    make golang-desktop         installs all Golang packages for desktop workstation listed in setup/go-packages-desktop.txt
    make nodejs-desktop         installs all NodeJS packages for desktop workstation listed in setup/npm-packages-desktop.txt

    make desktop                installs all of the above + many desktop OS packages listed in setup/

    make mac-desktop            all of the above + installs a bunch of major common workstation software packages like Ansible, Terraform, MiniKube, MiniShift, SDKman, Travis CI, CCMenu, Parquet tools etc.
    make linux-desktop

    make ls-scripts             print list of scripts in this project, ignoring code libraries in lib/ and .bash.d/

    make github-cli             installs GitHub CLI
    make kubernetes             installs Kubernetes kubectl and kustomize to ~/bin/
    make terraform              installs Terraform to ~/bin/
    make vim                    installs Vundle and plugins
    make tmux                   installs TMUX TPM and plugin for kubernetes context
    make ccmenu                 installs and (re)configures CCMenu to watch this and all other major HariSekhon GitHub repos
    make status                 open the Github Status page of all my repos build statuses across all CI platforms

    make aws                    installs AWS CLI tools
    make azure                  installs Azure CLI
    make gcp                    installs Google Cloud SDK
    make digital-ocean          installs Digital Ocean CLI

    make aws-shell              sets up AWS Cloud Shell: installs core packages and links configs
                                (maintains itself across future Cloud Shells via .aws_customize_environment hook)
    make gcp-shell              sets up GCP Cloud Shell: installs core packages and links configs
                                (maintains itself across future Cloud Shells via .customize_environment hook)
    make azure-shell            sets up Azure Cloud Shell (limited compared to gcp-shell, doesn't install OS packages since there is no sudo)

Now exiting usage help with status code 3 to explicitly prevent silent build failures from stray 'help' arguments
make: *** [help] Error 3

(make help exits with error code 3 like most of my programs to differentiate from build success to make sure a stray help argument doesn't cause silent build failure with exit code 0)

Star History

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More Core Repos



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DevOps Code

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DevOps Reloaded

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The rest of my original source repos are here.

Pre-built Docker images are available on my DockerHub.

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