

Panobbgo: Parallel Noisy Black-Box Global Optimization.

It minimizes a function over a box in $R^n$ (n = dimension of the problem) while respecting a vector of constraint violations.

Build Status



This program is work in progress. Only do python setup.py build|install if you know what you are doing.

To get it running, you have to install the reqired dependencies. I installed IPython 0.13 (or higher) from their git sources, git checkout v0.13, and installed it locally: python setup.py install --user (which required to install the python-zmq Debian package, too).

To meet the other dependencies, I used virtualenv

$ virtualenv --system-site-packages .
$ . bin/activate #remember, you have to source this *always*
$ pip install numpy
$ pip install scipy
$ pip install matplotlib

to have up to date versions without having to rely on the packages of Debian.

For the user-interface, you also have to install python-gtk2, which also provides the pygtk module, right?



One time

  1. Setup your cluster according to the IPython documentation (you have to know the profile name, default is default)
  2. panobbgo_lib must be available on all nodes. It contains the problem definitions you want to use. In particular, you have to create a script to execute everything - while especially the problem definition needs to be available for deserialization on the remote machine.
  3. After running it the first time, it will create a configuration file. There you have to enter the profile name, if it is not default.

Every time

  1. Start the cluster.
  2. If you use virtualenv, do $ . bin/activate in another terminal.
  3. Run the script, examples are included.


<a href="http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0">Apache 2.0</a>


Based on ideas of Snobfit: