

Replication package used in the paper "Concretely Mapped Symbolic Memory Locations for Memory Error Detection", Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. [PDF]

This repository includes two parts:

Part 1: The benchmarks and running scripts used in the evaluation

Part 2: source code of the tool SymLoc implemented in the paper

Building setup


Install the following packages:

sudo apt-get install cmake bison flex libboost-all-dev python perl zlib1g-dev build-essential curl libcap-dev git cmake libncurses5-dev python-minimal python-pip unzip libtcmalloc-minimal4 libgoogle-perftools-dev libsqlite3-dev doxygen
pip3 install tabulate wllvm

LLVM 9.0

wget http://releases.llvm.org/9.0.0/llvm-9.0.0.src.tar.xz
wget http://releases.llvm.org/9.0.0/cfe-9.0.0.src.tar.xz
wget http://releases.llvm.org/9.0.0/clang-tools-extra-9.0.0.src.tar.xz
tar xvf llvm-9.0.0.src.tar.xz
tar xvf cfe-9.0.0.src.tar.xz
tar xvf clang-tools-extra-9.0.0.src.tar.xz
mv llvm-9.0.0.src llvm-src
mv cfe-9.0.0.src clang
mv clang llvm-src/tools/clang
mv clang-tools-extra-9.0.0.src extra 
mv extra llvm-src/tools/clang/tools/extra
cd llvm-src
mkdir build 
cd build
make -j8
make install

Update the following environment variables:

export PATH=<llvm_build_dir>/bin:$PATH
export LLVM_COMPILER=clang


git clone https://github.com/stp/minisat.git
cd minisat
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/ ../
sudo make install


git clone https://github.com/stp/stp.git
cd stp
git checkout tags/2.3.3
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install


git clone https://github.com/klee/klee-uclibc.git
cd klee-uclibc
git checkout 038b7dc050c07a7b4d941b48a0f548eea3089214 # we used that version in our experiments
./configure --make-llvm-lib

Our Tool

To build our tool, do the following:

git clone https://github.com/haoxintu/SymLoc
cd SymLoc
mkdir build-symloc
cd build-symloc
cmake \
    -DKLEE_UCLIBC_PATH=<klee_uclibc_dir> \
    -DLLVM_CONFIG_BINARY=<llvm_build_dir>/bin/llvm-config \
    -DLLVMCC=<llvm_build_dir>/bin/clang \
make -j4

After this, you could find the executable symloc inside build-symloc/bin.


  title={{Concretely Mapped Symbolic Memory Locations for Memory Error Detection}},
  author={Tu, Haoxin and Jiang, Lingxiao and Hong, Jiaqi and Ding, Xuhua and Jiang, He},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
  pages = {1--21},