

ManiSkill Challenge Submission Example

Submission Structure


At least two files need to be included in your submission:

  1. environment.yml: specify the python packages needed by your policy
  2. user_solution.py: participants need to implement a UserPolicy class in this file.

Both files must be in the root directory of your submission. This directory will also be added to the PYTHONPATH environment variable. So if you are including your own python module, you need to put it the same level as environment.yml.

Participants are free to include other files in your submission, e.g., the checkpoint of your model.

Note: please do not include .git and PartNet-Mobility dataset in your submission, since they can be very large.


You are required to export your conda environment by running this command.

conda env export --name ENVNAME > environment.yml

User Policy

Participants need to implement a UserPolicy class in user_solution.py. Specifically, the following member functions need to be implemented:

  1. __init__(self, env_name, opts=None) In this function, participants should initialize the policy (e.g., load the checkpoint). Remember to set self.obs_mode to the appropriate one (rgbd or pointcloud, state is not available during evaluation), which will affect the observations received by this policy.

  2. act(self, observation) This function receives raw observations from environment. The content of the observation is determined by self.obs_mode set in the __init__ function. This function should return an action, and this action will be passed to the environment.

  3. reset(self) (optional) This function will be called at the beginning of each episode. Participants can use this function to reset their policy (e.g, an RNN-based policy probably should be reset).

Check your submission

If you want to check your submission before submitting to your websites, you can follow the steps described here to evaluate your submission locally for one episode.

How to submit

Solutions need to be submitted to the challenge website https://sapien.ucsd.edu/challenges/maniskill2021/.

The ManiSkill 2021 Challenge has ended. If you still want to evaluate on the test set, please submit to the temporary evaluation webiste.

First make sure you are logged into our authenticator by click on the login button at the top right corner. You will be asked to sign into the SULab authenticator. You need your email account (provided in the google form) to complete the sign in process. If your email is not accepted, please contact us.

Now you should be able to authorize the challenge site to use your SULab authenticator account to log in. After the first time logging in, you will be asked to provide a username (a nickname), which will be your name displayed on all the leaderboards.

Now click on the Submission tab on the challenge website, you should be able to see all the challenges available. Click any challenge will reveal the current rankings for this challenge. Click Create Submission button to start creating your own submission.

In the submission form, you need to fill in its name and optionally a description. Next, pick the challenge track you are submitting to. Then, you need to upload a single zip file containing all your submission files. You may include files directly at the root level of the zip or provide a folder in the zip. (We accept zip with file structure of both /enviornment.yml and /xxx/environment.yml so you do not need worry about how the zip is created). Finally, click the submit button and wait for the upload to finish.