


A simple CLI tool to quickly setup a minimal private terraform module registry with your cloud storage service.

Version License Main

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<!-- why -->

Sharing terraform module privately is usually necessary when the infrastructure development happens across multiple teams (DevOps vs applications) or multiple repositories (core vs. app infrastructure).

While a module can be downloaded from a git URL, it lacks the support to code versionization and storage management. While other paid solutions (like Terraform Cloud) or open-source solutions (like citizen) exist as a full-feature registry, they are usually very heavy for small teams, in terms of const, features, or maintenance.

The terrac CLI provides a thin layer on your choice of cloud storage service, such as AWS S3 or GCP Cloud Storage, to publish and share private module code. It provides features:

It is suitable to use as a private terraform registry in small teams (while limitations apply).

<!-- whystop -->


<!-- design -->

The desing of terrac consists of three components:

graph TD;
<!-- designstop -->


<!-- installation -->


As a node.js application, terrac can be installed with npm or other compatible package managers, such as yarn or pnpm.

npm install -g terrac


Binaries for diefferent platforms are provided as attachment at each GitHub release:

You can simply download a binary and put it in a directoy included in the PATH environment variable. Note that administrator permission may be required for the action.


The following script automates the manual installation with a bash script in Linux and MacOS.

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/haoliangyu/terrac/main/scripts/install.sh | bash
<!-- tutorial -->


To initialize a module directory and publish

# Create terrac configuration
terrac init

# Pack and publish the module to the remote storage service
terrac publish

# Get the module source URL to use in terraform
terrac get module-name
<!-- tutorialstop --> <!-- installationstop -->


<!-- configuration -->

A terrac.json file at the module root directory is used to provide configuration for terrac. It contains two blocks:

The JSON configuration can be populated interactively using the terrac init command and this is an example:

  "backend": {
    "type": "s3",
    "bucket": "team-sharing",
    "region": "us-east-1"
  "module": {
    "name": "custom-rds-module",
    "version": "1.6.3"


See the Backends section for more details.


The module object describes the meta information for the module to publish:

<!-- configurationstop -->


<!-- commands -->

terrac init

Initialize terrac configuration in a directory. It will provide an interactive questionnaire for the selected backend and create the terrac.json configuration file at the local directory.

  $ terrac init [--work-directory <value>]

  --work-directory=<value>  [default: .] Root directory of the terraform project

  Initialize terrac configuration in a directory.

See code: src/commands/init.ts

terrac get

Get the module source URL with the given module and version.

  $ terrac get NAME [VERSION] [--exact] [--work-directory <value>]

  NAME     Module name
  VERSION  Module version. This could be a version name (like latest), a semver, or a semver component.
           By default, terrac will verify the release with the input version and generate the source URL.
           If it needs to resolve to an exact version, use the --exact flag.

  --exact                   Whether to resolve to an exact version if a named version or a semver component is given
  --work-directory=<value>  [default: .] Root directory of the module configuration

  Get the module source URL of the given module and version.

  $ terrac get my-module

  $ terrac get my-module latest

  $ terrac get my-module 1.3.2

  $ terrac get my-module 1.3

  $ terrac get --exact my-module 1.3

The command will try to automatically resolve to the desired version. If the version is found at the backend, it will provide the download URL as output

The release 1.3.2 is found and available at s3::https://s3-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/test-bucket/test-module/1.3.2/module.zip

The output URL can be used in the module source property. For example,

module "example" {
  source = "s3::https://s3-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/test-bucket/test-module/1.3.2/module.zip"

See code: src/commands/get.ts

terrac list

List available modules and their versions.

  $ terrac list [NAME] [--work-directory <value>]

  NAME  Module name

  --work-directory=<value>       [default: .] Root directory for the terrac configuration file

  List available modules and versions.

  $ terrac list

  $ terrac list my-module

If the module name is provided, it will print a list of available versions for the given module. Otherwise, it will list all published modules in the backend.

See code: src/commands/list.ts

terrac publish

Publish a terraform module using the metadata from the terrac.json configuration. If a version name (like beta) is specified, it will publish a single release with the version beta. If a semver is specified, it will publish multile releaes with each semver component. For example, the version 1.3.2 will create three releases (1, 1.3, 1.3.2) and each will have it own downloadable source URL.

A latest release will be updated at every publication.

  $ terrac publish [--overwrite] [--work-directory <value>]

  --overwrite               Overwrite a published version with a new package
  --work-directory=<value>  [default: .] Root directory of the module project

  Publish a terraform module.

  $ terrac publish

  $ terrac publish --overwrite

Once the publication is successful, it will list all updated releases with the download URLs.

See code: src/commands/publish.ts

<!-- commandsstop -->


<!-- backends -->

Terrac supports a variety of storage backends for artifact hosting:

To set a backend for module publication, update the backend block in the terrac.json configuration file.

Local Directory

The local backend type uses a local directory for package storage. It is typically used for local testing.

// terrac.json
  "backend": {
    "type": "local",
    // path to the storage directory
    "path": "./"


The s3 backend type uses an AWS S3 bucket for artifact storage. It utilizes the AWS SDK for JavaScript to communicate with AWS and requires proper authentication setup (see documentation).

// terrac.json
  "backend": {
    "type": "s3",
    // bucket name
    "bucket": "module-bucket",
    // bucket region
    "region": "us-east-1"

GCP Cloud Storage

The gcp backend type uses a GCP Cloud Storage bucket for artifact storage. It uses the GCP Node.js SDK to communicate with GCP and requires proper authentication setup (see documentation).

// terrac.json
  "backend": {
    "type": "gcp",
    // bucket name
    "bucket": "module-bucket",
    // project id
    "projectId": "my-module-registry"

Azure Blob Storage

The azure backend type uses a Azure Blog Storage container for artifact storage.

// terrac.json
  "backend": {
    "type": "azure",
    // Azure storage account name
    "account": "terrac",
    // Azure storage container name
    "conatiner": "terrac-test",
    // [Optional] File name prefix
    "fileNamePrefix": "name/prefix"
<!-- backendsstop -->


<!-- limitations -->

The purpose of terrac is to provide a consistent and simple interface for terraform module hosting with a variety of storage backends. It focuses on the module publication and download. However, it doesn't provide or guarantee some advanced features of modern artifact registry, such as:

It may be possible to configure a storage backend for these features but this is out of the scope of this project.

<!-- limitationsstop -->


<!-- roadmap --> <!-- roadmapstop -->


<!-- development -->

In order to run tests locally, it requires the following packages to be installed:

<!-- developmentstop -->