


Build Status MIT license

FluentDbTools provides a fluent SQL abstraction layer for creating database connections, building sql queries and migrating your database.

Following databases are currently supported:



The IDbConfig interface is the only member you need to instantiate. It provides a simple interface for providing which database type to use, and other necessary database settings.

Create a Database Connection

IDbConfig dbConfig = new DbConfig(..)
var dbConnection = dbConfig.CreateDbConnection();

Build SQL Query Fluently

IDbConfig dbConfig = new DbConfig(..)
var sql = dbConfig.CreateSqlBuilder().Select()
            .Fields<Person>(x => x.F(item => item.Id))
            .Fields<Person>(x => x.F(item => item.SequenceNumber))
            .Fields<Person>(x => x.F(item => item.Username))
            .Fields<Person>(x => x.F(item => item.Password))
            .Where<Person>(x => x.WP(item => item.Id))

Migrate the Database With Extended FluentMigrator

[Migration(1, "Migration Example")]
public class AddPersonTable : MigrationModel
    public override void Up()

    public override void Down()

More Examples

Please have a look in the example folder:

Get Started

  1. Install Docker
  2. Install Python and pip
  3. Install python dependencies:
    • pip install DockerBuildManagement
  4. See available commands:
    • dbm -help

Build & Run

  1. Start domain development by deploying service dependencies:
    • dbm -swarm -start
  2. Test solution in containers:
    • dbm -test
  3. Open solution and continue development:
  4. Publish new nuget version:
    • Bump version in CHANGELOG.md
    • Build and publish nugets: dbm -build -run -publish
  5. Stop development when you feel like it:
    • dbm -swarm -stop
