

Vulnerabilities and Attacks

Have vulnerabilities been used in real world attacks?

LogoNameYearTargetDescriptionReal attack?Notes/Sources
<img src="logo/slowloris.png" height="50" width="74">Slowloris2009HTTP serversDenial of service by keeping connections openYesAbused by Spammers
-BEAST2011TLS 1.0Attacking implicit IV in CBC mode encryptionNo-
-CRIME2012TLSTLS Compression leaks informationNo-
<img src="logo/breach.png" height="50">BREACH2013TLSHTTP compression inside TLS leaks informationNo-
-TIME2013TLSCompression attack with Javascript/TCP sidechannelNo-
<img src="logo/heartbleed.svg" height="50">Heartbleed2014OpenSSLBuffer overread leaking server memoryYesReuters/Canadian tax agency JPMorgan Hack
<img src="logo/ccsinjection.svg" height="50">CCS Injection2014OpenSSLState machine confusion via early CCSNo-
<img src="logo/shellshock.svg" height="50">Shellshock2014BashRemote code execution via variablesYesCloudflare/Exploits
-Drupalgeddon2014DrupalSQL Injection leading to RCEYesDrupal/Automated attacks after 7h
-POODLE2014SSLv3Padding oracle with downgrade attackNo-
-goto fail2014Apple iOSTypo in source code disabling TLS certificate verificationNo-
-GHOST2015GlibcBuffer overflow via DNSNo-
-FREAK2015TLSDowngrade to export ciphersNo-
-Superfish2015Lenovo laptopsBundled software with shared root certificateNo-
-Rowhammer2015DRAMBitflips in RAM modulesNo-
-Logjam2015TLSWeak diffie hellman parametersNo*Speculation this may've been exploited by the NSA
-Stagefright2015Stagefright/AndroidMemory corruption in media parsersNo-
<img src="logo/venom.png" width="72" height="50">VENOM2015QEMUVM escapeNo-
<img src="logo/drown.svg" height="50">DROWN2016TLS/SSLv2Bleichenbacher attack using SSLv2No-
<img src="logo/badlock.svg" height="50">Badlock2016Samba/SMBVarious man in the middle attacksNo-
-ImageTragick2016ImagemagickRemote code execution in image parsersYesCloudflare reporting attacks
-HEIST2016TLSCompression attack with Javascript/TCP sidechannelNo-
<img src="logo/sweet32.svg" height="50">Sweet322016TLS/3DESBlock collissions in 64 bit block ciphersNo-
<img src="logo/dirtycow.svg" height="50">Dirty COW2016Linux KernelRace condition leading to local root exploitYesZDNet/Drupalgeddon2/DirtyCOW attacks TrendMicro/ZNIU Android Malware
<img src="logo/krack.png" height="50">KRACK2017WPA2Nonce reuse in wireless encryptionNo-
<img src="logo/duhk.svg" height="50">DUHK2017FortiOSHardcoded key in FIPS-certified X9.31 RNGNo-
<img src="logo/robot.svg" height="50">ROBOT2017TLSLack of Bleichenbacher attack countermeasuresNo-
-EternalBlue2017Windows/SMBv1Remote code exection via SMBYesWaPo/NSA use, WannaCry, NotPetya
-SambaCry2017SambaRCE via Samba sharesYesKaspersky/Honeypot attacks
<img src="logo/meltdown.svg" height="50">Meltdown2018CPU/OSSpeculative execution sidechannel attacking root/user barrierNo-
<img src="logo/spectre.svg" height="50" width="63">Spectre2018CPU/OSSpeculative execution sidechannel attacking program flowNo-
-Drupalgeddon 22018DrupalRemote code executionYesZDNet/Drupalgeddon2/DirtyCOW attacks
<img src="logo/efail.svg" height="50">EFAIL2018OpenPGP/SMIMEExfiltrate decrypted mails with HTMLNo-
-Bleichenbacher's CAT2018TLSLack of Bleichenbacher attack countermeasuresNo-



I'm wondering how many of the "famous" security vulnerabilities have actually been used in attacks that have been documented, so I made a list.

Couldn't there be unknown attacks?

Obviously this list can only cover attacks that have been publicly documented, particularly targetted attacks or attacks within communities with low transparency.

Still if attacks have been widely used it's reasonable to assume that someone will have documented them.

The table is wrong! Attack X has been used!

Please open an issue or a pull request. I created this repo to learn whether my assumptions are correct.

What counts as a real world attack?

I realize the distinction can be blurry, but it should be an attack that has been carried out without the consent of the owner of the affected system and it should've successfully compromised some security expectation.

Also there should be at least one publicly available description with sufficient detail to make the attack plausible, not just vague rumors.

There's an important attack missing!

Open an issue or a pull request, but I may close it if I believe the attack hasn't received sufficient attention or is a pure marketing stunt.

There's a logo missing!

Likely due to unclear licensing terms. All logos used here are under free licenses.


The document and most logos are CC0 / public domain, with some exceptions.