

UniMenu (Universal Menu)

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A pure python module to add python commands to the menu.

Supports Unreal Engine, Blender, Marmoset<br> and any app that uses QT: Maya, Krita, Substance Painter, 3ds Max, FreeCAD, CryEngine ...

For more info read the wiki

If you use Blender, you can try the unimenu_addon

<img src="dev/unimenu_samples/menu_screen_maya.jpg" width="400"/> <img src="dev/unimenu_samples/menu_screen_unreal5.jpg" width="400"/> <img src="dev/unimenu_samples/menu_screen_krita.jpg" width="400"/> <img src="dev/unimenu_samples/menu_screen_substance_painter.jpg" width="400"/> <img src="dev/unimenu_samples/menu_screen_nuke.jpg" width="400"/> <img src="dev/unimenu_samples/menu_screen_katana.jpg" width="400"/> <img src="dev/unimenu_samples/menu_screen_mari.jpg" width="400"/>

how to use

load from config (YAML & JSON)

  - label: my menu
      - label: my item
        command: print("Hello World")
import unimenu
config_path = "path/to/config.yaml"

load from a dict

import unimenu
data = {"items": [{"label": "test","command": 'print("hello world")'}]}

with code

import unimenu
menu = unimenu.Node(label="my menu")  # create a menu
item = unimenu.Node(label="hi", command='print("hi")')  # create a menu item
menu.items.append(item)  # add the item to the menu
menu.setup()  # setup the menu in the app, parented by default to the main menu bar

from a folder of scripts (or a Python module)

To auto construct a menu from a folder, with a menu entry for every tool in a folder:

  1. ensure the folder is importable (in the sys.path)
  2. create a menthod in all submodules with the same name, e.g. def show()
import unimenu
unimenu.module_setup('name_of_folder', function_name='show', menu_name="My tools")

When to use

some software e.g. Unity & Maya already have good ways to make custom menus. If you only use 1 software and find it easy to make a menu, you don't need unimenu.

The power of this module comes from standardising menu creation across multiple software. Great for studio-pipelines with several programs. Unimenu makes menu creation less complex, e.g. in Blender.



unimenu was tested in the following versions, and might work in other versions.

python 3.7+ due to f-strings and pathlib


main platform is windows, would be interested to hear from mac & linux users.

feel free to create a PR to help out.

to add support for your favorite software, add a python module named after the software with a setup_menu function where possible stick to the windows menu design guidelines


You can install the unimenu samples with

pip install git+https://github.com/hannesdelbeke/unimenu@main#subdirectory=dev

then you can run them with e.g.

import unimenu_samples.any_dcc_test