

HERS Superpixels: Deep Affinity Learning for Hierarchical Entropy Rate Segmentation

This is an implementation of the proposed method in our work:

HERS Superpixels: Deep Affinity Learning for Hierarchical Entropy Rate Segmentation

Hankui Peng, Angelica I. Aviles-Rivero, and Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb

Please contact Hankui Peng (hp467@cam.ac.uk) if you have any question.


The training code was mainly developed and tested with Python 3.8.5, PyTorch 1.7.0, OpenCV 4.4.0, and Ubuntu 20.04. We recommend the user to run the code in a clean environment by creating a new conda environment in the terminal:

conda create -n DAL-HERS python=3.8.5 anaconda

conda activate DAL-HERS 

The user may need to install a few other Python packages, such as pytorch, torchvision, opencv, etc. These packages can be installed with pip in terminal.

Model set-up

Download the pretrained Deep Affinity Learning (DAL) model from here and put it under the pretrained folder in the project repository.

Building HERS module in Python

Type the following in terminal under the main project repository:

make module 

This would create ./pybuild/hers_superpixel.*.so, which can then be imported directly in Python as import hers_superpixel.


We provide code to generate superpixel segmentation results (in .csv and .png) for a folder of input images given: 1) a sequence of numbers of desired superpixels and 2) a specific number of superpixels. For testing, we provide 10 sample images from the BSDS500 data set in ./sample_imgs/input/ as input.

To produce segmentation results for various numbers of superpixels, run in terminal:

bash analysis_multi_nC.sh

To produce segmentation results for a given number of superpixels, run in terminal:

bash analysis_single_nC.sh

To test on other data sets, please first collect all the images into one folder <CUSTOM_DIR>, and then convert them into the same format (e.g. .png or .jpg) if necessary. Then, simply modify the INPUT_DIR parameter within analysis_multi_nC.sh or analysis_single_nC.sh and follow the instructions above.


We use the code from superpixel benchmark for superpixel evaluation. A detailed instruction is available in the repository.


The C++ part of our code is developed based on the code provided by SH.