

Self-supervised Label Augmentation via Input Transformations

Install dependencies

conda create -n SLA python=3.7
conda activate SLA
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
conda install ignite -c pytorch
pip install tensorboard

We tested our code on the following versions:


We here provide a training script for cifar10.

python train.py \
    --dataset cifar10 --datadir data/ --batchsize 128 --num-iterations 80000 --val-freq 1000 \
    --model cresnet32 \
    --mode sla --aug rotation

For other training objectives, replace the --mode option with baseline, da, mt, or sla+sd. For other augmentations, replace the --aug option with the function names in augmentations.py.

Large-scale datasets. We empirically found that summation (instead of average) of losses across self-supervised transformations could provide an accuracy gain in the large-scale datasets such as ImageNet or iNaturalist. To this end, use the --with-large-loss option.


You can check the results in the log files stored in the logs/ directory (single_acc for SLA+SI or SLA+SD; agg_acc for SLA+AG). To re-evaluation, use test.py.


  title={Self-supervised label augmentation via input transformations},
  author={Lee, Hankook and Hwang, Sung Ju and Shin, Jinwoo},
  booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning},