

A high-performance gateway data plane based on the open source network proxy Envoy Proxy.


This repo maintains the same compilation environment requirements as the open source network proxy Envoy Proxy. You can refer to Envoy Proxy Community for the basic requirements of compilation and construction.

It is more recommended to perform the build and compile in the build container.

Before starting to build, you need to initialize the Envoy submodule.

git submodule init
git submodule update

Execute the following command to build the local binary:

./ci/do_ci.sh compile

Execute the following command to build the container image:

# Export `ENVOY_PROXY_HUB` ENV to specify image repo.
export ENVOY_PROXY_HUB="hangoio/envoy-proxy"
# Build container image.
./ci/do_ci.sh envoy-release
