


Experiment for the paper "SRAL: Shared Representative Appearance Learning for Long-Term Visual Place Recognition" using Nordland Dataset, see


Due to file size limitations of github, we put our .mat files used in the code at https://inside.mines.edu/~fhan/publication/code/data/sral/features_mat.zip

If you use our method and/or codes, please cite our paper

    AUTHOR    = {Fei Han AND Xue Yang AND Yiming Deng AND Mark Rentschler AND Dejun Yang AND Hao Zhang}, 
    TITLE     = {{SRAL}: Shared Representative Appearance Learning for Long-Term Visual Place Recognition}, 
    JOURNAL   = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}, 
    VOLUME    = {2},
    NUMBER    = {2},
    YEAR      = {2017}

Remark: This paper was also preseneted at the workshop of Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) in 2016, see
