

Genetic Algorithms with Python

Source code from the book Genetic Algorithms with Python by Clinton Sheppard


Edición española

<img align="right" src="http://www.cs.unm.edu/~sheppard/img/Genetic_Algorithms_with_Python_cover.jpg" alt="Genetic Algorithms with Python cover"> Get a hands-on introduction to machine learning with genetic algorithms using Python. Step-by-step tutorials build your skills from Hello World! to optimizing one genetic algorithm with another, and finally genetic programming; thus preparing you to apply genetic algorithms to problems in your own field of expertise.

Genetic algorithms are one of the tools you can use to apply machine learning to finding good, sometimes even optimal, solutions to problems that have billions of potential solutions. This book gives you experience making genetic algorithms work for you, using easy-to-follow example projects that you can fall back upon when learning to use other machine learning tools and techniques. Each chapter is a step-by-step tutorial that helps to build your skills at using genetic algorithms to solve problems using Python.

Available from major stores including Amazon, Apple and Barnes & Noble, in paperback, ePub, Kindle and PDF formats.

Try the sample chapters.

Table of Contents

A brief introduction to genetic algorithms

Chapter 1: Hello World!

Chapter 2: One Max Problem

Chapter 3: Sorted Numbers

Chapter 4: The 8 Queens Puzzle

Chapter 5: Graph Coloring

Chapter 6: Card Problem

Chapter 7: Knights Problem

Chapter 8: Magic Squares

Chapter 9: Knapsack Problem

Chapter 10: Solving Linear Equations

Chapter 11: Generating Sudoku

Chapter 12: Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)

Chapter 13: Approximating Pi

Chapter 14: Equation Generation

Chapter 15: The Lawnmower Problem

Chapter 16: Logic Circuits

Chapter 17: Regular Expressions

Chapter 18: Tic-tac-toe