

<div align="center"> <h1>ZeroDiscord</h1> <h4>A collection of Discord hacks, exploits & tools that is completely made using NodeJS</h4> <br>

Before using any of these tools

First off, all of the tools here are for educational & testing purposes only. Automating your Discord account violates Discord's Terms of Service and can lead to you being ratelimited, disabled, or terminated.<br> <br>Do not over-use these tools as, again, it will lead to ratelimits, account being disabled, or even terminated.


massAddFriendSend mass friend requests to server members.Any
247AccountA simple code that runs your Discord account 24/7Any
aioDiscordSniperA fast, flexible & extensible Discord sniper.Any
auditLogFlooderFlood any Discord server audit log by sending junk invite links.Any
automaticStatusMessageChangerThe name already explains it.Any
channelMassThreaderA channel mass threader or a channel flooder via threads.Any
channelMessagesSaverSaves specific amount of messages of a Discord channel.Any
corruptorCorrupts your Discord.Windows
demonstrations/bypassDiscordChatLimitSimple demonstration to bypass Discord chat limit (Kinda).Any
disabler (Patched)Discord account disabler.Any
invisibleMentionMention the specified user invisibly.Any
inviteCodeServerInfoDiscord server invite code server information grabber.Any
keylogger100% undetectable keylogger.Windows
massWebhooksDeleterMass webhooks deleter.Any
messageAllSend's your desire message to everyone in the current server.Any
multiLineSpammerSpams a lot's of new lines in the specified Discord server channel.Any
nitroGenerator&CheckerBlazing fast Discord nitro generator, checker & auto claim.Any
nukers/NuclearNukeSimple yet powerful & fast Discord server nuker.Any
serverInformationGrabberThe name already explains it.Any
staticTokenGrabber (Patched)100% undetectable static Discord token grabber.Windows
tokenGenerator&CheckerThe name already explains it.Any
tokenProtectorA simple but effective Discord token protector.Windows
tokenStealer (Patched)100% Undetectable Discord token stealer.Windows
tokenStealerSpider (Patched)100% Undetectable Discord token stealer spider.Windows
userInformationGrabberGrab's the specified user (ID) information Including account connections.Any
webhookSpammerA really fast webhook message spammer.Any
usersBIOScraperScrapes the given Discord users id BIO.Any
hypeSquadChangerAccount hypesquad changer.Any
purifierFinds malicious files in your Discord directories, this is really useful If something is happening with your account without you doing or If someone injected a malicious code in your Discord.Windows
channelMessagesImporterImport messages to a channel from the exported messages from channelMessagesSaver.Any
serverMIServer members id scraper.Any
discordServerBackupA simple bot to backup your Discord servers.Any
OexJust a nuker that aims for SPEED.Any
DCEImporterDiscordChatExporter exported messsages (JSON) importer.Any
serverUPDServer members profile pictures downloader.Any
serverMBSServer members bio scraper.Any
massDMBetter messageAll with 1 sec delay every DM.Any
purgeSEmojisEasily purge your Discord server emojis with one command.Any


<a href="https://github.com/cspi-git/ZeroDiscord/blob/main/LICENSE"> MIT © CSPI </a>
