


Evedis is an Erlang binding for Vedis which is an embedded C library for storing data in memory or disk. Its API is similar in concept to Redis but without the networking layer since Vedis run in the same process of the host application.

Evedis uses Erlang Native Implemented Functions (NIF) for wrapping Vedis library to be used inside Erlang application.


Vedis Features

Evedis Features

Quick Start


In a machine that has an installed Erlang, just clone this repository and run make live command. For functionality testing you can run make test command and make doc for generating its documents.

$ git clone https://github.com/hamidreza-s/Evedis.git
$ cd Evedis
$ make test # optional
$ make doc # optional
$ make live

After last command you will be attached to Erlang console which has just loaded evedis.so NIF shared object file. Then lets write some commands to get into it quickly.

%% create an in-memory database
{ok, foo} = evedis:create(foo, [{storage_type, memory}]).

%% create a disk based database
{ok, bar} = evedis:create(bar, [{storage_type, disk}, {storage_path, "/tmp"}]).

%% set some values by key
<<"true">> = evedis_kv:set(foo, <<"db_name">>, <<"FooDB">>).
<<"true">> = evedis_kv:set(bar, <<"db_name">>, <<"BarDB">>).

%% get some values by key
<<"FooDB">> = evedis_kv:get(foo, <<"db_name">>).
<<"BarDB">> = evedis_kv:get(bar, <<"db_name">>).

%% append to a value by its key
<<"true">> = evedis_kv:append(foo, <<"db_name">>, <<"_V1">>).
<<"FooDB_V1">> = evedis_kv:get(foo, <<"db_name">>).

%% delete a key value
<<"true">> = evedis_kv:del(bar, <<"db_name">>).
not_found = evedis_kv:get(bar, <<"db_name">>).

%% multiple set and get commands
<<"true">> = evedis_kv:mset(foo, [{<<"k1">>, <<"v1">>}, {<<"k2">>, <<"v2">>}]).
[<<"v1">>, <<"v2">>] = evedis_kv:mget(foo, [<<"k1">>, <<"k2">>]).

%% increment and decrement a value
<<"1">> = evedis_kv:incr(foo, <<"counter">>).
<<"5">> = evedis_kv:incrby(foo, <<"conter">>, <<"4">>).
<<"4">> = evedis_kv:decr(foo, <<"counter">>).
<<"2">> = evedis_kv:decrby(foo, <<"counter">>, <<"2">>).

To see more examples you can check test directory. It contains lots of examples for all the commands.


As well as evedis_kv module which is responsible for Key/Value API, evedis_hash, evedis_list and evedis_set modules are responsible for Hash, List and Set API respectively.


-export([get/2, set/3, setnx/3, del/2, 
	 append/3, exists/2, strlen/2, copy/3, 
	 move/3, mget/2, mset/2, msetnx/2,
	 getset/3, incr/2, decr/2, incrby/3,


-export([index/3, len/2, pop/2, push/3]).


-export([add/3, ismember/3, pop/2, peek/2,
	 top/2, 'rem'/3, members/2, diff/2, 
	 inter/2, len/2]).


-export([get/3, set/4, del/3, len/2,
	 exists/3, mget/3, keys/2, vals/2,
	 getall/2, mset/3, setnx/4]).


-export([getcsv/2, strip_tag/2, str_split/2, size_fmt/2,
	 soundex/2, base64/2, base64_dec/2]).


-export([rand/3, getrandmax/1, randstr/2, time/1,
	date/1, os/1, echo/2, abort/1, cmd_list/1,
	table_list/1, vedis/1, commit/1, rollback/1,

For generating a detailed API list with descriptions run make doc command.


Comments, contributions and patches are greatly appreciated.