#Influga is no longer maintained. Please consider to use alternative, if you are using InfluxDB 0.9+, my recommendation is re:dash
A InfluxDB Dashboard and Graph Editor.
- Create dashboard for InfluxDB
- Influga can write raw query for InfluxDB
- Drag and drop panel sorting
- Mobile optimized layout
How to use
You can install influga via npm:
$ npm install -g influga
Move to working directory and type influga init
$ influga init
Config file template is created to influga-config.json
Edit config for your environment
"dashboardDbPath": "./db/influga.db",
"host": "localhost",
"port": 8086,
"database": "db",
"username": "root",
"password": "root"
Config file template is created to influga-config.json
Open this file on your editor and edit values for your environment.
Name | Description |
dashboardDbPath | Dashboard database file path |
host | InfluxDB hostname or IP |
port | InfluxDB HTTP API port. Default is 8086 |
database | InfluxDB database name |
username | InfluxDB username |
password | InfluxDB user's password |
Run influga server using start
command with config file, like this.
$ influga start -c influga-config.json
Now you can access on your browser, http://[server]:8089
How to develop
$ npm install -g gulp
$ npm install -g bower
$ npm install
$ bower install
Build and run
$ gulp
$ gulp watch
Build for production
$ gulp production