


haktrails is a Golang client for querying SecurityTrails API data, sponsored by SecurityTrails.

<p align="center"> <img height="300" src="./haktrails.png"> </p>

Tool Features


You will need a SecurityTrails API key to use this tool. If you're using it for bug bounties, I'd recommend checking out the bug bounty hunter's toolkit if you're a bug bounty hunter. It provides access to the majority of data that you will need for a good price. See the details below.

<a href="http://securitytrails.com/bug-bounty-hunters-toolkit?referral_code=LLDAK0F80M"> <p align="center"> <img src="./securitytrails-banner.jpg"> </p> </a>

Once you have an API key, install golang, then:

#Go version > 1.17
go install -v github.com/hakluke/haktrails@latest

# Go version < 1.17
# https://golang.org/doc/go-get-install-deprecation

go get github.com/hakluke/haktrails

I'd recommend adding ~/go/bin/ to your $PATH if you haven't already, then you can just run haktrails.

Autocompletion (optional)

ZSH and Bash autocompletion is available Just add this to your ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc

source ~/go/src/github.com/hakluke/haktrails/haktrails-completion.zsh
source ~/go/src/github.com/hakluke/haktrails/haktrails-completion.bash

NOTE: If you are using a custom GOPATH location, use it instead of the default one (which is ~/go)



Note: In these examples, domains.txt is a list of root domains that you wish to gather data on. For example:



Config file

You will need to set up a configuration file with your SecurityTrails key to use this tool. By default, the tool will look for the file in ~/.config/haktools/haktrails-config.yml. If you wish to put the config file somewhere else, the location must be specified with the -c flag.

The format of the file is very simple, just copy paste this, and replace <yourkey> with your SecurityTrails API key:

  key: <yourkey>


Warning: With this tool, it's very easy to burn through a lot of API credits. For example, if you have 10,000 domains in domains.txt, running cat domains.txt | haktrails subdomains will use all 10,000 credits. It's also worth noting that some functions (such as associated domains) will use multiple API requests, for example, echo "yahoo.com" | haktrails associateddomains would use about 20 API requests, because the data is paginated and yahoo.com has a lot of associated domains.

Gather subdomains

This will gather all subdomains of all the domains listed within domains.txt.

cat domains.txt | haktrails subdomains

Of course, a single domain can also be specified like this:

echo "yahoo.com" | haktrails subdomains

Gather associated domains

"Associated domains" is a loose term, but it is generally just domains that are owned by the same company. This will gather all associated domains for every domain in domains.txt

cat domains.txt | haktrails associateddomains

Gather associated IPs

Again, associated IPs is a loose term, but it generally refers to IP addresses that are owned by the same organisation.

cat domains.txt | haktrails associatedips

Get historical DNS data

Returns historical DNS data for a domain.

cat domains.txt | haktrails historicaldns

Get historical whois data

Returns historical whois data for a domain.

cat domains.txt | haktrails historicalwhois

Run a DSL query

Runs a custom SecurityTrails DSL query. See here for more details.

haktrails dsl -query <query>

Get company details

Returns the company that is associated with the provided domain(s).

cat domains.txt | haktrails company

Get domain details

Returns all details of a domain including DNS records, alexa ranking and last seen time.

cat domains.txt | haktrails details

Get whois data

Returns whois data in JSON format.

cat domains.txt | haktrails whois

Get domain tags

Returns "tags" of a specific domain.

cat domains.txt | haktrails tags


Returns data about API usage on your SecurityTrails account.

haktrails usage


Pings SecurityTrails to check if your API key is working properly.

haktrails ping


Shows a nice ascii-art banner :)

haktrails banner

Not Yet Supported

Currently, some of the features of the SecurityTrails API are not yet supported. Pull requests are welcome!

SecurityTrails API Reference

The full API reference is here.