

An implementation of a server for the Stability AI API


Standard Stable Diffusion features



Colab (coming soon)

Docker (easiest if you already have Docker, and an Nvidia GPU with 4GB+ VRAM)

docker run --gpus all -it -p 50051:50051 \
  -e HF_API_TOKEN={your huggingface token} \
  -v $HOME/.cache/huggingface:/huggingface \
  -v `pwd`/weights:/weights \


The docker image has built-in support for localtunnel, which will expose the GRPC-WEB endpoint on an https domain. It will automatically set an access token key if you don't provide one. Check your Docker log for the values to use


Volume mounts

This will share the weights and huggingface cache, but you can mount other folders into the volume to do other things:

All the server arguments can be provided as environment variables, starting with SD:

Building the image locally

docker build --target main .

Or to build (slowly) with xformers

docker build --target xformers .

Locally (if you have an Nvidia GPU with 4GB+ VRAM, and prefer not to use Docker)

Option 1 (recommended):

Install Miniconda, then in a Conda console:

git clone https://github.com/hafriedlander/stable-diffusion-grpcserver.git
cd stable-diffusion-grpcserver
conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate sd-grpc-server

Then for Windows:

set PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL=https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu116 
flit install --pth-file
set HF_API_TOKEN={your huggingface token}
python ./server.py

Or for Linux

PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL=https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu116 flit install --pth-file
HF_API_TOKEN={your huggingface token} python ./server.py

Option 2:

Create a directory and download https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hafriedlander/stable-diffusion-grpcserver/main/engines.yaml into it, then

set PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL=https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu116 
pip install stable-diffusion-grpcserver
set HF_API_TOKEN={your huggingface token} 

Thanks to / Credits:


Core API functions not working yet:

Extra features to add


The main codebase is distributed under Apache-2.0. Dependancies are all compatible with that license, except as noted here:

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