

R Packages

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This repo holds the code and text behind the R Packages book. The site is built with Quarto.

Notes on mechanics

Quarto callouts look like this:

::: callout-tip
Here's a super handy nifty thing!

At the time of writing (2022-08-31), we use callout-tip, callout-warning, callout-note, and callout-important. The XXX of callout-XXX is its type and controls the icon and color:

Use a ##-level header to caption the callout.

Do this for tips specific to RStudio:

::: callout-tip
## RStudio
Here's a super handy nifty thing about RStudio specifically.

The other callout that appears multiple times is:

::: callout-warning
## Submitting to CRAN
Here's something to be super careful about.