

ProxyChains ver. 4.3.0 README


ProxyChains is a UNIX program, that hooks network-related libc functions in dynamically linked programs via a preloaded DLL and redirects the connections through SOCKS4a/5 or HTTP proxies.

WARNING: this program works only on dynamically linked programs. also both proxychains and the program to call must use the same dynamic linker (i.e. same libc)

Known limitations of the current version

when a process forks, does a DNS lookup in the child, and then uses the ip in the parent, the corresponding ip mapping will not be found, this is because the fork can't write back into the parents mapping table. IRSSI shows this behavior, so you have to pass the resolved ip address to it. (you can use the proxyresolv script (requires "dig") to do so)

this means that you can't currently use tor onion urls for irssi. to solve this issue, an external data store (file, pipe, ...) has to manage the dns <-> ip mapping. of course there has to be proper locking. shm_open, mkstemp, are possible candidates for a file based approach, the other option is to spawn some kind of server process that manages the map lookups. since connect() etc are hooked, this must not be a TCP server.

I am reluctant on doing this change, because the described behavior seems pretty idiotic (doing a fork only for a DNS lookup), and irssi is currently the only known affected program.


Using release version

Proxychains-4.3.0 are available with pkgsrc to everyone using it on Linux, NetBSD, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, DragonFlyBSD or Mac OS X. You just need to install pkgsrc-wip repository and run make install in a wip/proxychains directory.

You can find out more about pkgsrc on link:http://www.pkgsrc.org[pkgsrc] and about pkgsrc-wip on link:https://pkgsrc.org/wip[Pkgsrc-wip homepage]

Installing on Mac OS X with homebrew

You can install current proxychains on Mac OS X with an homebrew. You have to download unofficial link:https://gist.github.com/3792521[homebrew formula] from to your BREW_HOME by default /usr/local/Library/Formula/ and run

$ brew install proxychains

Running Current Source code version

# needs a working C compiler, preferably gcc
sudo make install


Version (4.x) removes the dnsresolver script which required a dynamically linked "dig" binary to be present with remote DNS lookup. this speeds up any operation involving DNS, as the old script had to use TCP. additionally it allows to use .onion urls when used with TOR. also it removed the broken autoconf build system with a simple Makefile. there's a ./configure script though for convenience. it also adds support for a config file passed via command line switches/ environment variables.

Version (3.x) introduces support for DNS resolving through proxy it supports SOCKS4, SOCKS5 and HTTP CONNECT proxy servers.

When to use it

   like: your_host <--> proxy1 <--> proxy2 <--> target_host

Some cool features

  like: your_host <-->socks5 <--> http <--> socks4 <--> target_host
  proxychains nmap -sT -PO -p 80 -iR  (find some webservers through proxy)


proxychains looks for configuration in the following order:

see more in /etc/proxychains.conf

Usage Example

$ proxychains4 telnet targethost.com

in this example it will run telnet through proxy(or chained proxies) specified by proxychains.conf

Usage Example

$ proxychains4 -f /etc/proxychains-other.conf targethost2.com

in this example it will use different configuration file then proxychains.conf to connect to targethost2.com host.

Usage Example

$ proxyresolv targethost.com

in this example it will resolve targethost.com through proxy(or chained proxies) specified by proxychains.conf

Usage Example:

$ ssh -fN -D 4321 some.example.com

in this example, it will run a shell with all traffic proxied through OpenSSH's "dynamic proxy" (SOCKS5 proxy) on localhost port 4321.

Usage Example:

$ proxychains4 telnet targethost.com

in this example, it will telnet to targethost.com using the nameserver supplied by the user through the PROXY_DNS_SERVER