

Google App Engine Server Configs

  1. Install Cloud SDK and select Option 2 - Python and PHP - when prompted about App Engine.
  2. Install App Engine command line interface component of Cloud SDK by executing

gcloud components update app

Your command line tool is all set now.

  1. Copy app.yaml file from this repo into your app build root folder:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/h5bp/server-configs-gae/master/app.yaml > app.yaml

  1. Create a new project in Google Developers Console if you don't have one already, and modify application field in the app.yaml to reflect your Project ID. It is a good idea to look through the rest of app.yaml file in case it needs some adjustments for your specific case.

Also, let gcloud tool know what project you are using by executing:

gcloud config set project my-project-id

  1. You should be all set now. Any time you want to update your website, execute the following command from the root of your app build directory:

gcloud preview app deploy .

It might be a good idea to keep a master version of your app.yaml file and copy it over to the app root directory as the last build step.

Contributing to this project

Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute, but please take a moment to review the contributing guidelines.


Google App Engine Server Configs is only possible thanks to all the awesome contributors!


The code is available under the MIT license.