

jsHashes Build Status NPM version

jshashes is lightweight library implementing the most extended cryptographic hash function algorithms in pure JavaScript (ES5 compliant).

The goal is to provide an dependency-free, fast and reliable solution for hash algorithms for both client-side and server-side JavaScript environments. The code is fully compatible with the ECMAScript 5 specification and is used in production in browsers and node.js/io.js

If you are looking for a low-level performance library for the server-side, note that node.js/io.js provides its own native module: crypto

Supported hash algorithms

Additional functionalities



Each algorithm has its respective own instantiable object. Here you can see an example of how to create a new instance for each one:

// new MD5 instance
var MD5 = new Hashes.MD5
// new SHA1 instance
var SHA1 = new Hashes.SHA1
// new SHA256 instance
var SHA256 =  new Hashes.SHA256
// new SHA512 instace
var SHA512 = new Hashes.SHA512
// new RIPEMD-160 instace
var RMD160 = new Hashes.RMD160

An example of how to generate an hexadecimal-based hash encoding for each algorithm:

// sample string
var str = 'Sample text!'
// output to console
console.log('MD5: ' + MD5.hex(str))
console.log('SHA1: ' + SHA1.hex(str))
console.log('SHA256: ' + SHA256.hex(str))
console.log('SHA512: ' + SHA512.hex(str))
console.log('RIPEMD-160: ' + RMD160.hex(str))


This is a simple implementation for a client-side environment:

<script type="text/javascript" src="src/hashes.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// sample string
var str = 'This is a sample text!'
// new MD5 instance and hexadecimal string encoding
var MD5 = new Hashes.MD5().hex(str)
// output into DOM
document.write('<p>MD5: <b>' + MD5 + '</b></p>')

node.js / io.js

// require the module
var Hashes = require('jshashes')
// sample string
var str = 'This is a sample text!'
// new SHA1 instance and base64 string encoding
var SHA1 = new Hashes.SHA1().b64(str)
// output to console
console.log('SHA1: ' + SHA1)

Command-line interface

You can use the simple command-line interface to generate hashes.

$ hashes sha1-hex This is a sample string
> b6a8501d8a70e74e1dc12a6082102622fdc719bb

# or with quotes
$ hashes sha1-hex "This is a sample string"
> b6a8501d8a70e74e1dc12a6082102622fdc719bb

For more information about the options supported, type:

$ hashes -h


Via npm

$ npm install jshashes

Via Bower:

$ bower install jshashes

Via Component:

$ component install h2non/jshashes

Or loading the script directly:


Public methods

Each algorithm class provides the following public methods:

Hash encoding formats supported


Node.js 0.6.18 running on a VPS Intel I7 930 with 512 MB of RAM (see server/benchmark.js)

Simple benchmark test generating 10000 hashes for each algorithm.
String: "A0gTtNtKh3RaduBfIo59ZdfTc5pTdOQrkxdZ5EeVOIZh1cXxqPyexKZBg6VlE1KzIz6pd6r1LLIpT5B8THRfcGvbJElwhWBi9ZAE"

* MD5
** Done in: 205 milliseconds
* SHA1
** Done in: 277 milliseconds
* SHA256
** Done in: 525 milliseconds
* SHA512
** Done in: 593 milliseconds
* RMD160
** Done in: 383 milliseconds

See client/benchmark.html for client-side.





Library author

Original algorithm authors

Other contributors


jsHashes is released under New BSD license. See LICENSE file.


Feel free to report any issue you experiment via Github https://github.com/h2non/jsHashes/issues.