

Quick Update: Steam rejected PartyLAN to be listed on the Steam store. I'm currently evaluating the migration plan off Steam.

<img height="50" src="resources/github/images/download-from-steam.svg" />

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PartyLAN is a tool for playing LAN games over the Steam Network. It is designed to be easy to use and work with any game that supports LAN play. The successor to LPVPN, which amassed 5.5K downloads before Discord discontinued its Game SDK.

Compatible Games List



  1. Download PartyLAN from Steam.
  2. Launch PartyLAN.
  3. Ensure all players have PartyLAN installed and running. PartyLAN icon <img src="resources/common/images/icon.png" width="16" height="16" /> should be visible in the system tray.
  4. For the host, open the game and start as a LAN game host as normal.
  5. For the clients, click the system tray icon <img src="resources/common/images/icon.png" width="16" height="16" />, select the host in the "Online Friends" menu, an IP address should be copied to the clipboard.
  6. For the clients, open the game and connect to the host using the IP address from the clipboard.


PartyLAN is licensed under the BSD License (3-Clause).

Third Party Licenses

Icon from Entypo pictograms by Daniel Bruce — www.entypo.com

Wintun driver licensed under Prebuilt Binaries License

Steamworks API licensed under Steamworks SDK License