


A unity library to parse a GIF file and extracts the images, just for fun



Copy Assets\mgGif\mgGif.cs to your project.

Alternatively, the upm branch can be pulled directly into the Packages directory, e.g.

git clone -b upm git@github.com:gwaredd/mgGif.git


Pass a byte[] of the GIF file and loop through results.

byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes( "some.gif" );

using( var decoder = new MG.GIF.Decoder( data ) )
    var img = decoder.NextImage();

    while( img != null )
        Texture2D tex = img.CreateTexture();
        int delay = img.Delay;
        img = decoder.NextImage();

See AnimatedTextures.cs for an example

NB: For speed the decoder will reuse buffers between each NextImage() call. If you need to keep the raw image data then ensure you Clone() it first.

For an additional performance improvement, uncomment mgGIF_UNSAFE at the top of the file and allow unsafe code compilation in the assembly.


Benchmarks of the time to decode three test animations using different libraries.

UniGif7321 ms3790 ms3178 ms
Unity-GifDecoder365 ms123 ms88 ms
mgGif247 ms112 ms80 ms
mgGif (Unsafe Mode)280 ms106 ms70 ms