An agent represing a navigation tree. The agent holds transformed configuration state.
Provides convenience wrappers to generate Twitter/bootstrap-freindly userrole-aware HTML out of this state through NavigationTree.Helper and NavigationTree.Bootstrap.
Navigation tree nodes are to be configured as NavigationTree.Node structs.
node: A configuration struct looking like this:
name: string, # the node's name, like "About Us"
url: nil or string, # will be set on startup, but may be overridden
controller: nil or string, # would be set to about-us, but may be overridden
children:, nil or list of child nodes
roles: nil or list of strings # role names a user must have to see this navigation item
path: A list of node names, e.g. ["Home", "Admin"]
url: Every node gets a url on start_link setup constructed out of its ancestors' url concatenated with "/<controller>" whereas <controller> is either a safe_string version of the node's name or the specified controller namde in this node's config
Basic usage
- create a config module or just use NavigationTree.Example
- Startup Agent possibly in your application setup
- create you HTML generator or use the shipped NavigationTree.Bootstrap module
- enjoy!
# startup
NavigationTree.Agent.start_link NavigationTree.Example.config
# getters
NavigationTree.Agent.get.root_node (initoal config)
# methods
NavigationTree.Agent.node_of ["Home","Admin"]
# same as
NavigationTree.Agent.node_of "/admin"
# the inverse of node_of is path_of
NavigationTree.Agent.path_of "/admin" # returns ["Home","Admin"]
# parent node
NavigationTree.Agent.parent of ["Home","Admin", "Users"]
# returns next/previous node after "Users" in "Amind"
NavigationTree.Agent.next_sibling ["Home","Admin", "Users"]
NavigationTree.Agent.previous_sibling ["Home","Admin", "Users"]
NavigationTree.Agent.as_html [], :bootstrap
# returns HTML for unauthenticated user
NavigationTree.Agent.as_html ["admin", "customer"], :bootstrap
# returns HTML for user with admin and customer role
# or your tree_to_html implementation:
MyApp.NavigationTree.Sidenav.tree_to_html NavigationTree.Agent.get.tree
Add this project both to your dependecies and to your app list (including configuration). [..]