


A Qt event calendar widget built on top of jQuery FullCalendar


You obviously need Qt5 to build the library. There are two ways to install the library, see as follow:

Installing into system

You can install the library into your linux system running the following:

qmake PREFIX=/usr
make install

If you are using a qmake project add to your project file:

CONFIG += link_pkgconfig
PKGCONFIG += qfullcalendar

You must have to initialize the QFullCalendar resources in your application's main function:


Embedding into your project

To embed the library into your project without installing into the system, add the following to your qmake project file:



class QFullCalendar

This is the main class.

QFullCalendar::DefaultView defaultView()

Get the default view.

void setDefaultView(QFullCalendar::DefaultView view)

Set the default view.

QFullCalendar::EventFactory *eventFactory()

Get the current event factory.

void setEventFactory(QFullCalendar::EventFactory *factory)

Set the current event factory.

void undoDropEvent()

Undo the last drop event.

void undoResizeEvent()

Undo the last resize event.

signal eventClicked(QFullCalendar::Event event)

This signal is emitted when an event is clicked.

signal eventDropped(QFullCalendar::Event event)

This signal is emitted when dragging stops and the event has moved to a different day/time.

signal eventResized(QFullCalendar::Event event)

This signal is emitted when resizing stops and the event has changed in duration.

enum QFullCalendar::DefaultView

struct QFullCalendar::Event

This struct represents an event.

Property TypeNameDescription
QStringtitleTitle of event
QStringstartStart time of event
QStringendEnd time of event
boolallDayAll day event

class QFullCalendar::EventFactory

This is an abstract class that should be implemented to provide a factory of events to be used in the calendar. By default the QFullCalendar has in-memory event factory.

QFullCalendar::Event event(int id)

Get an event.

QList<QFullCalendar::Event> events(uint start, uint end)

Get the events between start and end.

void save(const QFullCalendar::Event &e)

Save an event.

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