


A multi-pedestrian tracker as proposed in the paper:

Führ, G. ; Jung, C. R. Combining Patch Matching and Detection for Robust Pedestrian Tracking in Monocular Calibrated Cameras. Pattern Recognition Letters (Special Issue). 2013.

If you use the following code in our experiments, please cite the above publication.

Videos of the tracker performance and information about it can be found in: http://inf.ufrgs.br/~gfuhr/?file=research Soon, there will be extensions of the code and improvements in this webpage.

For question about the code/method please contact Gustavo Führ at gfuhr@inf.ufrgs.br.


The source code was tested in MATLAB 64-bin in version 7.12 (R2010a) in Linux x64. However, you should not have problems in running the code in different platforms and newer versions of MATLAB. This applications includes the person detector developed by Piotr Dóllar, which can be found in his personal website.

Running the code

  1. Unpack the code
  2. Run the main.m file using MATLAB

All the important configurations of the tracker are set in the main.m. This package contains an example main.m with configurations used in the datasets presented in the paper. Please not that you should download the sequences separately.

The folder calibration/ provides the calibration files for the PETS and TownCentre dataset used in the paper.

Configuration of main.m


A file with the trackers results (positions) is stored in a .mat file named with the parameter options.out_filename.

Enjoy and please send us feedback!