

Zsh plugin for Elixir, IEx, Mix, Kiex and Phoenix

Terminal shortcuts for Elixir developers.

Install and run

These shortcuts have nothing exclusive to Zsh, they are basic shell commands. This means you can always copy the contents and use them with just about any shell setup.

However, if you already use one of the libraries listed below, here's to any easy life:


Add antigen bundle gusaiani/elixir-oh-my-zsh to your .zshrc file. Antigen will handle cloning the plugin for you automatically the next time you start zsh. You can also add the plugin to a running ZSH with antigen bundle gusaiani/elixir-oh-my-zsh for testing before adding it to your .zshrc.


cd ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins
git clone https://github.com/gusaiani/elixir-oh-my-zsh.git elixir

Enable it by adding elixir to the plugins array. You have to restart your current terminal in order to use the aliases below.

# located under $HOME/.zshrc
plugins=(git elixir)


Add zgen load gusaiani/elixir-oh-my-zsh to your .zshrc file in the same function you're doing your other zgen load calls in. Zgen will automatically clone the repository for you when you do a zgen save, and load it the next time you start a terminal session.


mncd app-namemix new app-name; cd app-name


ipsiex -S mix phx.server
ismiex -S mix
mabmix archive.build
maimix archive.install
matmix app.tree
mcmix compile
mcfmix compile --force
mcvmix compile --verbose
mcwmix compile --warnings-as-errors --force
mclmix clean
mcamix do clean, deps.clean --all
mcomix coveralls
mcohmix coveralls.html
mdocmix docs
mdlmix dialyzer
mdlpmix dialyzer --plt
mcrmix credo
mcrsmix credo --strict
mcxmix compile.xref
mdcmix deps.compile
mdgmix deps.get
mdgcmix do deps.get, deps.compile
mdtmix deps.tree
mdumix deps.update
mduamix deps.update --all
mdunmix deps.unlock
mduumix deps.unlock --unused
mebmix escript.build
mecmix ecto.create
mecmmix do ecto.create, ecto.migrate
medmix ecto.drop
memmix ecto.migrate
megmmix ecto.gen.migration
merbmix ecto.rollback
mersmix ecto.reset
mesmix ecto.setup
mfmix format
mgemix gettext.extract
mgemmix gettext.extract --merge
mgmmix gettext.merge priv/gettext
mhomix hex.outdated
mlhmix local.hex
mnmix new
mnsmix new --sup
mpdmix phx.digest
mpgcmix phx.gen.channel
mpgcomix phx.gen.context
mpghmix phx.gen.html
mpgjmix phx.gen.json
mpglmix phx.gen.live
mpgmmix phx.gen.model
mpgsmix phx.gen.secret
mpnmix phx.new
mprmix phx.routes
mpsmix phx.server
mrmix run
mrnhmix run --no-halt
mrlmix release
msnmix scenic.new
msnemix scenic.new.example
msnnmix scenic.new.nerves
msrmix scenic.run
mtmix test
mtcmix test --cover
mtfmix test --failed
mtmfmix test --max-failures
mtsmix test --stale
mtwmix test.watch (See https://github.com/lpil/mix-test.watch)
mxmix xref
hriheroku run "POOL_SIZE=2 iex -S mix"
hripheroku run "POOL_SIZE=2 iex -S mix" -r production
hrisheroku run "POOL_SIZE=2 iex -S mix" -r staging
hrmemheroku run "POOL_SIZE=2 mix ecto.migrate"
hrmesheroku run "POOL_SIZE=2 mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs"
kdkiex default
kikiex install
klkiex list
klbkiex list branches
klkkiex list known
klrkiex list releases
kskiex shell
ksukiex selfupdate
kukiex use