

EGC: Image Generation and Classification via a Single Energy-Based Model (ICCV 2023)

<p align="center"><a href="https://guoqiushan.github.io/egc.github.io/">Project Page</a> | <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.02012">Paper</a> | <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.02012">ArXiv</a></p>


Download pre-trained models

We have some released checkpoints for the main models in the paper.

Here are the download links for each model checkpoint:

More checkpoints and training scripts will be released soon.

Sampling from pre-trained models

To sample from 256x256 ImageNet EGC model, you can use the run_imagenet_egc_latent_sample_cond.sh. Here, we provide flags for sampling from all of these models.

For this example, we will generate 50000 samples with batch size 8 and 100 ddim steps. Feel free to change these values.

OPT="--batch_size 8 --num_samples 50000 --use_ddim True --timestep_respacing ddim100"

The classifier guidiance scale --classifier_scale is be recommended to set as 6.0 to reproduce the FID score.

Image Classification with pre-trained models

To test the image classification performance of 256x256 ImageNet EGC model, you can use the run_imagenet_egc_eval_cls.sh.

For this example, you can run the following cmd:

./run_imagenet_egc_eval_cls.sh $LOGDIR 1 1 0 $CKPT_PATH --val_data_dir=./data/imagenet256_features_val

Training models

To reproduce the ImageNet result, you can run:

./run_imagenet_egc_train.sh $LOGDIR $GPU_NUM $NODE_NUN $RANK $MASTER_ADDR

Make sure that the GPU_NUM * NODE_NUN * batch_size = 512 and batch_size = cls_batch_size in the shell script. You may change microbatch to reduce the memory cost.

Prepare ImageNet data

The ImageNet-1k dataset should be organized as following:

├── data
│   ├── imagenet
│   │   ├── train/
│   │   ├── val/
│   ├── imagenet256_features/
│   ├── imagenet256_features_val/

Besides, download the autoencoder_kl.pth to the EGC folder.

Convert the raw image to latent space, using python scripts/extract_feat.py ./data/imagenet/train ./autoencoder_kl.pth ./data/imagenet/imagenet256_features.

Convert the raw image to latent space, using python scripts/extract_feat.py ./data/imagenet/val ./autoencoder_kl.pth ./data/imagenet/imagenet256_features_val.


If you find EGC useful for your work, please cite:

  title={EGC: Image Generation and Classification via a Single Energy-Based Model},
  author={Guo, Qiushan and Ma, Chuofan and Jiang, Yi and Yuan, Zehuan and Yu, Yizhou and Luo, Ping},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.02012},


This repository is based on openai/guided-diffusion, with modifications for energy-based training and sampling and architecture improvements. Thanks for their wonderful works.