


LLMFarm_core swift library to work with large language models (LLM). It allows you to load different LLMs with certain parameters.<br> Based on ggml and llama.cpp by Georgi Gerganov.

Also used sources from:



Note: For Falcon, Alpaca, GPT4All, Chinese LLaMA / Alpaca and Chinese LLaMA-2 / Alpaca-2, Vigogne (French), Vicuna, Koala, OpenBuddy (Multilingual), Pygmalion/Metharme, WizardLM, Baichuan 1 & 2 + derivations, Aquila 1 & 2, Mistral AI v0.1, Refact, Persimmon 8B, MPT, Bloom select llama inferece in model settings.

Sampling methods


git clone https://github.com/guinmoon/llmfarm_core.swift

Swift Package Manager

Add llmfarm_core to your project using Xcode (File > Add Packages...) or by adding it to your project's Package.swift file:

dependencies: [
  .package(url: "https://github.com/guinmoon/llmfarm_core.swift")

Build and Debug

To Debug llmfarm_core package, do not forget to comment .unsafeFlags(["-Ofast"]) in Package.swift. Don't forget that the debug version is slower than the release version.

To build with QKK_64 support uncomment .unsafeFlags(["-DGGML_QKK_64"]) in Package.swift.


See examples in the Demo Project

Projects based on this library

App to run LLaMA and other large language models locally on iOS and MacOS.