SNS - Starknet Name Service
A reckless attempt at prototyping Starknet Name Service, so that we have an onchain registery for address-name lookup, where name is a short string literal. This helps with any scoreboarding UI, including the one at 0xstrat v1
where and how to use it
- Currently deployed on StarkNet testnet at:
- Function for address-name lookup:
sns_lookup (adr : felt) -> (exist : felt, name : felt)
use cases
: for any application that maintains scoreboards for addresses, mapping addresses to legible names is desirablesns_lookup_name_to_adr()
: for accessing public goods smart contracts already deployed on StarkNet by legible names instead of raw hex address
improvements to be made
- may integrate with string library to attach arbitrarily long strings to the short string literal