

Hyperopt for solving CIFAR-100 with a convolutional neural network (CNN) built with Keras and TensorFlow, GPU backend

Auto (meta) optimizing a neural net (and its architecture) on the CIFAR-100 dataset (fine labels). This code could be easily transferred to another vision dataset or to any other machine learning task.

To run the search, do: python3 optimize.py. You might want to look at requirements.py and install some of them manually to acquire GPU acceleration (e.g.: installing TensorFlow and Keras especially by yourself).

Optimization results will continuously be saved in the results/ folder (sort files to take best result as human-readable text). Also, the results are pickled to results.pkl to be able to resume the TPE meta-optimization process later simply by running the program again with python3 optimize.py.

If you want to learn more about Hyperopt, you'll probably want to watch that video made by the creator of Hyperopt. Also, if you want to run the model on the CIFAR-10 dataset, you must edit the file neural_net.py.

The Deep Convolutional Neural Network Model

Here is a basic overview of the model. I implemented it in such a way that Hyperopt will try to change the shape of the layers and remove or replace some of them according to some pre-parametrized ideas that I have got. Therefore, not only the learning rate is changed with hyperopt, but a lot more parameters.

space = {
    # This loguniform scale will multiply the learning rate, so as to make
    # it vary exponentially, in a multiplicative fashion rather than in
    # a linear fashion, to handle his exponentialy varying nature:
    'lr_rate_mult': hp.loguniform('lr_rate_mult', -0.5, 0.5),
    # L2 weight decay:
    'l2_weight_reg_mult': hp.loguniform('l2_weight_reg_mult', -1.3, 1.3),
    # Batch size fed for each gradient update
    'batch_size': hp.quniform('batch_size', 100, 700, 5),
    # Choice of optimizer:
    'optimizer': hp.choice('optimizer', ['Adam', 'Nadam', 'RMSprop']),
    # Coarse labels importance for weights updates:
    'coarse_labels_weight': hp.uniform('coarse_labels_weight', 0.1, 0.7),
    # Uniform distribution in finding appropriate dropout values, conv layers
    'conv_dropout_drop_proba': hp.uniform('conv_dropout_proba', 0.0, 0.35),
    # Uniform distribution in finding appropriate dropout values, FC layers
    'fc_dropout_drop_proba': hp.uniform('fc_dropout_proba', 0.0, 0.6),
    # Use batch normalisation at more places?
    'use_BN': hp.choice('use_BN', [False, True]),

    # Use a first convolution which is special?
    'first_conv': hp.choice(
        'first_conv', [None, hp.choice('first_conv_size', [3, 4])]
    # Use residual connections? If so, how many more to stack?
    'residual': hp.choice(
        'residual', [None, hp.quniform(
            'residual_units', 1 - 0.499, 4 + 0.499, 1)]
    # Let's multiply the "default" number of hidden units:
    'conv_hiddn_units_mult': hp.loguniform('conv_hiddn_units_mult', -0.6, 0.6),
    # Number of conv+pool layers stacked:
    'nb_conv_pool_layers': hp.choice('nb_conv_pool_layers', [2, 3]),
    # Starting conv+pool layer for residual connections:
    'conv_pool_res_start_idx': hp.quniform('conv_pool_res_start_idx', 0, 2, 1),
    # The type of pooling used at each subsampling step:
    'pooling_type': hp.choice('pooling_type', [
        'max',  # Max pooling
        'avg',  # Average pooling
        'all_conv',  # All-convolutionnal: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.6806.pdf
        'inception'  # Inspired from: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1602.07261.pdf
    # The kernel_size for convolutions:
    'conv_kernel_size': hp.quniform('conv_kernel_size', 2, 4, 1),
    # The kernel_size for residual convolutions:
    'res_conv_kernel_size': hp.quniform('res_conv_kernel_size', 2, 4, 1),

    # Amount of fully-connected units after convolution feature map
    'fc_units_1_mult': hp.loguniform('fc_units_1_mult', -0.6, 0.6),
    # Use one more FC layer at output
    'one_more_fc': hp.choice(
        'one_more_fc', [None, hp.loguniform('fc_units_2_mult', -0.6, 0.6)]
    # Activations that are used everywhere
    'activation': hp.choice('activation', ['relu', 'elu'])

# Here is one possible outcome for this stochastic space, let's plot that:
space_base_demo_to_plot = {
    'lr_rate_mult': 1.0,
    'l2_weight_reg_mult': 1.0,
    'batch_size': 300,
    'optimizer': 'Nadam',
    'coarse_labels_weight': 0.2,
    'conv_dropout_drop_proba': 0.175,
    'fc_dropout_drop_proba': 0.3,
    'use_BN': True,

    'first_conv': 4,
    'residual': 4,
    'conv_hiddn_units_mult': 1.0,
    'nb_conv_pool_layers': 3,
    'conv_pool_res_start_idx': 0.0,
    'pooling_type': 'inception',
    'conv_kernel_size': 3.0,
    'res_conv_kernel_size': 3.0,

    'fc_units_1_mult': 1.0,
    'one_more_fc': 1.0,
    'activation': 'elu'

<p align="center"> <img src="model_demo.png"> </p>


The best model is this one: results/model_0.676100010872_6066e.txt.json.

The final accuracy is of 67.61% in average on the 100 fine labels, and is of 77.31% in average on the 20 coarse labels. My results are comparable to the ones in the middle of that list, under the CIFAR-100 section. The only image preprocessing that I do is a random flip left-right.

    "coarse_best_accuracy": 0.7731000242233277,
    "coarse_best_loss": 0.8012041954994201,
    "coarse_end_accuracy": 0.7565,
    "coarse_end_loss": 0.9019438380718231,
    "fine_best_accuracy": 0.6761000108718872,
    "fine_best_loss": 1.3936876878738402,
    "fine_end_accuracy": 0.6549,
    "fine_end_loss": 1.539645684337616,
    "history": {...},
    "loss": -0.6761000108718872,
    "model_name": "model_0.676100010872_6066e",
    "real_loss": 3.018656848526001,
    "space": {
        "activation": "elu",
        "batch_size": 320.0,
        "coarse_labels_weight": 0.3067103474295116,
        "conv_dropout_drop_proba": 0.25923531175521264,
        "conv_hiddn_units_mult": 1.5958302613876916,
        "conv_kernel_size": 3.0,
        "conv_pool_res_start_idx": 0.0,
        "fc_dropout_drop_proba": 0.4322253354921089,
        "fc_units_1_mult": 1.3083964454436132,
        "first_conv": 3,
        "l2_weight_reg_mult": 0.41206755600055983,
        "lr_rate_mult": 0.6549347353077412,
        "nb_conv_pool_layers": 3,
        "one_more_fc": null,
        "optimizer": "Nadam",
        "pooling_type": "avg",
        "res_conv_kernel_size": 2.0,
        "residual": 3.0,
        "use_BN": true
    "status": "ok"
<p align="center"> <img src="model_best.png"> </p>