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This is a template for creating Terminal.Gui applications using dotnet new.

To add this template to those available in dotnet new you will need to install the NuGet package:

dotnet new --install Terminal.Gui.templates

After installing you can use the template to create new projects:

dotnet new tui -n myproj
cd myproj
dotnet run

Next Steps

The basic template includes MyView.cs which was created by TerminalGuiDesigner. You can delete edit this file with the visual designer using the code below or delete it and create your own Window/TopLevel class manually.

dotnet tool install --global TerminalGuiDesigner
TerminalGuiDesigner ./MyView.cs


For development/testing add this template to dotnet using:

 dotnet new --install D:\Repos\Terminal.Gui.templates\templates\basic

To use the template run:

dotnet new tui -n myproj
cd myproj
dotnet run

To remove it run:

dotnet new --uninstall D:\Repos\Terminal.Gui.templates\templates\basic